Automatic posting to a Channel

After you've created your Channels in the JFBConnect administration area, posts can automatically be pushed when content on your page is published. While JFBConnect also allows you to manually push content from your site to any channel, this section covers setting up automated posting of content for several supported extensions.

Autoposting Depending on Content State 

JFBConnect has a lot of logic to ensure your new content will be posted at the appropriate time. There are multiple checks, as described below, to ensure that your content is only auto-posted one time and only when it should be posted:

  1. When an item is newly created in the published state.
  2. When an item is edited in the front-end or backend and then saved.
  3. When the state changes to published.
  4. When the publishing date is in the future, JFBConnect stores the pending post and waits for the content to be available in the published state. 
  5. If an item has a pending auto-post waiting and the publishing date is now in range, JFBConnect will push the post when a) the item is visiting on the front-end or b) the item is saved/republished again in the backend.
  6. If an item has a pending auto-post waiting, but the item is then unpublished or deleted (depending on the associated extension), the pending post will be deleted.
  7. If an item already has been auto-posted, JFBConnect will no longer auto-post for this item. This means if a new Channel type is created, all old content will not be blasted out to the channel.
  8. If an autopost has failed, republishing the item will attempt to post again.
  9. JFBConnect will allow unlimited manual posting of an item.

Configuring which Content is Autoposted

When you create a Channel in the backend, there are a couple of options for setting up which content should be automatically posted to the social network:

Selecting Autopost Content

  • Autopost Plugins: This setting is used to select the Open Graph plugins that should automatically post any supported content as it's published. For example, Joomla Content - Articles, JomSocial - Events and Groups, K2 - Items and EasyBlog - Posts. Only plugins that are enabled will be selectable in this list. If at any time the plugin is disabled, the auto-posting will not occur for this plugin until it is re-enabled.
  • Autopost Objects: Instead of posting for all content to an Open Graph plugin, further customize JFBConnect to only post for certain Open Graph objects. For instance, if you only want to automatically post when articles from a certain category are published, use this option. First configure an Open Graph object in the JFBConnect backend > Open Graph > Objects configuration area and then select it in the Channel's Autopost Objects section. Only objects that are enabled will be selectable in this list. If at any time the object is disabled, the auto-posting will not occur for this object until it is re-enabled.
  • Multi-select in a Channel: Both the plugins and objects settings are multi-select options, so you can choose the right combination of content for a given channel's autoposting.
  • Multiple Channels: An autopost can be pushed for multiple channels at once. Edit each channel's configuration for the appropriate objects and plugins. Then when new content is published, JFBConnect will push the post to each social network that you have set up.

Configure your Open Graph settings and select those objects/plugins when editing a channel. JFBConnect will then start autoposting your newly published content for you!