Social Network Integration for Community Builder Questions

Have an issue with social network integration into Community Builder? Look here for the most common support questions.

How do I add the social login buttons to the CB Registration page?

To add the login buttons to the CB Registration page, you'll need to edit /components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.html.php Around line 960, add the {JFBCLogin} line below:

$return	= $_PLUGINS->callTemplate( $cbTemplate, 'RegisterForm', 'drawProfile', array( &$user, $tabcontent, $registrationForm, $headerMessage, CBTxt::Th( 'LOGIN_REGISTER_TITLE', 'Welcome. Please log in or sign up:' ), CBTxt::Th( 'REGISTER_TITLE', 'Join us!' ), CBTxt::Th( 'UE_REGISTER', 'Sign up' ), $moduleContent, $topIcons, $bottomIcons, $footerMessage, $formatting, $results ), $output )
	.	cbPoweredBy();
$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onAfterRegisterFormDisplay', array( $user, $tabcontent, &$return ) ); echo "{JFBCLogin text=Register using:}"; // INSERT THIS LINE echo $return;

The "text=Register using:" can be updated with whatever text you'd like to display before the social login buttons.

This information was contributed by lyljov in this support thread.

Users are being created, but their profile isn't imported or their accounts are not automatically activated.

This happens if you have required fields in the Community Builder "fields" area, but those fields aren't being imported from social networks or being filled out by the user. To fix, you need to do one of the following solutions:

  • Ensure that all fields marked as "Required" in Community Builder are being mapped to a social profile field in the Profiles configuration area of JFBConnect.
  • If using the user creation mode of Full Joomla User, enable the "Show non-mapped required fields" setting in the Community Builder profile plugin. This will allow the user to fill in this information during registration.
  • If using the user creation mode of 'Enable Automatic Registration', mark any fields that are not being mapped to as 'not-required' in Community Builder.