Easy Tags

In addition to the optional plugins and modules, the JFBCSystem plugin allows you to embed the social widgets into your articles, templates or any other custom content. Custom tags are the most flexible way to add specific widgets in specific positions on your site. However, it requires more configuration and is a more advanced option than using the content plugin or modules.

Once JFBConnect is setup properly, you can add the following tags into any article, module or template files. The parameters should be case-insensitive.

In the "Misc" tab, there is a Social Tag Admin Key option. This is a key to prevent user-entered social tags from rendering. When this value is set, you must add the key to your tags (as shown below). This is useful if you have forums, comments or other user-entered text available on your site. Leave blank to allow users to enter social tags, or if you don't have any user-generated content on your site.

The available tags are described below, along with all of their available options and examples of how to use them.

Amazon - Login

{SCAmazonLogin text=Login With Amazon logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
loginbuttons socialbuttons Select the Login Button type to use. Default will use your JFBConnect component settings for each provider. Custom will use the buttons selected below.
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Azure - Login

{SCAzureLogin text=Login With Azure logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Battlenet - Login

{SCBattlenetLogin text=Login With Facebook logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Discord - Login

{SCDiscordLogin text=Login With Discord logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

EventBrite - Login

{SCEventBriteLogin text=Login With EventBrite logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Facebook - Comments

{SCFacebookComments href=http://www.sourcecoast.com width=550 num_posts=10 colorscheme=dark mobile=false order_by=time}

num_posts text The number of comments to display
width text The width of the frame, in pixels
colorscheme light, dark Color scheme to use, provided by Facebook
href text The URL for this comments box. If blank, uses current URL
mobile false, 0, true, 1 Whether to show the mobile-optimized version
order_by social, reverse_time, time The order to use when displaying comments
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism

Facebook - Comments Count

{SCFacebookCommentsCount href=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

href text Comment URL

Facebook - Embedded Comments

{SCFacebookEmbeddedComments href=https://www.facebook.com/FacebookDevelopers/posts/10151471074398553 width=560 include_parent=false}

href text The absolute URL of the comment
width text The width of the frame, in pixels
include_parent false, 0, true, 1 Set to true to include parent comment (if URL is a reply)
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism

Facebook - Embedded Posts

{SCFacebookEmbeddedPosts href=https://www.facebook.com/FacebookDevelopers/posts/10151471074398553}

href text The URL for a Page or a person on Facebook. Only public posts from Facebook Pages and profiles can be embedded
width text The width of the frame, in pixels
include_full_post false, 0, true, 1 Include the full post. Applies to photo posts only
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism

Facebook - Embedded Videos

{SCFacebookEmbeddedVideos href=https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152454700553553 width=500 allow_fullscreen=true show_text=true show_captions=true}

href text The URL for the video on Facebook. Only public videos from Facebook can be embedded
width text The width of the frame, in pixels
allow_fullscreen false, 0, true, 1 Allow the video to be played in fullscreen mode
autoplay false, 0, true, 1 Automatically start playing the video when the page loads. The video will be played without sound (muted). People can turn on sound via the video player controls. This setting does not apply to mobile devices.
show_text false, 0, true, 1 Set to true to include the text from the Facebook post associated with the video, if any.
show_captions false, 0, true, 1 Set to true to show captions (if available) by default. Captions are only available on desktop.
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism

Facebook - Like Button

{SCFacebookLike href=http://www.sourcecoast.com layout=standard show_faces=true share=true width=300 action=like colorscheme=light ref=homepage kid_directed_site=true}

layout standard, box_count, button_count, button Determines the size and amount of social context next to the button
href text The URL to like, defaults to current page
show_faces false, 0, true, 1 Show profile pictures below the button. This only works with Standard Layout Style
width text The width of the frame, in pixels
size small, large Size
action like, recommend The verb to display on the button
colorscheme light, dark Color scheme to use, provided by Facebook
share false, 0, true, 1 Include a Send button
ref text A label for tracking referrals. Specifying the ref attribute will add the 'fb_ref' parameter to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from the plugin.
kid_directed_site false, 0, true, 1 If your web site or online service, or a portion of your service, is directed to children under 13 you must enable this
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism

Facebook - Login

{JFBCLogin text=Login With Facebook logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Facebook - Page Plugin

{SCFacebookPagePlugin height=200 width=200 href=http://www.facebook.com/SourceCoast show_faces=true hide_cover=false tabs=timeline,events}

href text The URL of the Facebook Page for this Page Plugin
width text The width of the frame, in pixels
height text The height of the frame, in pixels
tabs_timeline checkbox Check this option to render the timeline tab in the Page Plugin widget
tabs_events checkbox Check this option to render the event tab in the Page Plugin widget
tabs_messages checkbox Check this option to render the messages tab in the Page Plugin widget
show_faces false, 0, true, 1 Show profile photos when friends like this
hide_cover false, 0, true, 1 Hide the cover photo in the header
adapt_width false, 0, true, 1 Adapt to plugin container width
small_header false, 0, true, 1 Uses a smaller version of the page header
hide_cta false, 0, true, 1 Hide the custom call to action button (if available)
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism

Facebook - Save

{SCFacebookSave href=http://www.sourcecoast.com size=large}

href text The absolute link of the page that will be saved. If leave blank, the default is the current link/address.
size small, large The size of button
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism

Facebook - Share

{SCFacebookShare href=http://www.sourcecoast.com layout=button size=small}

href text The URL to share, defaults to current page
layout box_count, button_count, button, icon_link, icon, link Determines the size and amount of social context next to the button
size small, large Size
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism

Facebook - Group Plugin

{SCFacebookGroupPluginhref=http://www.facebook.com/SourceCoast show_social_context=true show_metadata=false lazy=false skin=dark width=200}

href text Absolute URL of the group
show_social_context false, 0, true, 1 Show the number of friends who are members of the group
show_metadata false, 0, true, 1 Shows other metadata about the group, like description
lazy false, 0, true, 1 True to use browser's lazy-loading mechanism
width text The width of the frame, in pixels, in the article view
skin light, dark Sets the color theme for the plugin content

Github - Login

{SCGithubLogin text=Login With Github logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Google - Login

{SCGoogleLogin text=Login With Google logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Instagram - Login

{SCInstagramLogin text=Login With Instagram logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Instagram - Embedded Media

{SCInstagramOEmbed href=http://instagr.am/p/BUG/ maxwidth=612}

href text The URL to retrieve embedding information for.
maxwidth text The maximum width of the embedded resource

LinkedIn - Follow Company

{SCLinkedInFollowCompany companyid=365848}
{SCLinkedInFollowCompany companyid=365848 counter=right}

companyid text Enter a company ID
counter top, right, none How to display the follow button

LinkedIn - Login

{SCLinkedInLogin text=Login With LinkedIn logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

LinkedIn - Share

{SCLinkedInShare href=http://www.sourcecoast.com/jlinked/}

href text Defaults to current page. If you want to share a specific URL, specify it here

Meetup - Meetup Group Stats

{SCMeetupGroupStats urlname=nystartrek}

url_name text The group alias or path to group from meetup.com, no slashes. Ex. 'nystartrek' for http://www.meetup.com/nystartrek/.
width text Enter the widget width.
height text Enter the widget height.

Meetup - Login

{SCMeetupLogin text=Login With Meetup logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Meetup - Embedded Resource

{SCMeetupOEmbed url=http://www.meetup.com/ny-tech maxwidth=308}

url text The URL to retrieve embedding information for.
maxwidth text The maximum width of the embedded resource

Pinterest - Login

{SCPinterestLogin text=Login With Pinterest logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Pinterest - Share

{SCPinterestShare href=http://www.sourcecoast.com image=http://www.sourcecoast.com/templates/sourcecoast/images/logo.png pin_count=above desc=Learn more about JFBConnect}

href text The URL to pin, defaults to current page
pin_count above, beside, none Location to show the pin count
image text Image to pin
desc text Description for pin
round false, 0, true, 1 Changes the Pin It button to the round and red style. Round buttons won't show Pin Counts.
tall false, 0, true, 1 Changes height of the Pin It button. Rectangular buttons are twice as wide as they are tall. Yes=28px for rectangular or 32px for round. No=20px for rectangular or 16px for round
custom_image text If a custom image is set, Pinterest won't touch any custom HTML or CSS you add for the button.

Twitch - Login

{SCTwitchLogin text=Login With Twitch logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Twitter - Follow

{SCTwitterFollow username=twitterapi lang=fr width=300px show-screen-name=false size=medium show-count=true dnt=false}

username text The user to follow. For instance, the username will be twitterapi for https://twitter.com/twitterapi.
lang , fr, en, en-ss, en-xx, ar, ja, es, de, it, id, pt, ko, tr, ru, nl, fil, msa, zh-tw, zh-cn, hi, no, sv, fi, da, pl, hu, fa, he, ur, th, uk, ca, el, eu, cs, af, xx-lc, gl, ro, hr, ckb, en-gb To specify the language for the Follow Button
show-count false, 0, true, 1 The count box shows how many times the Twitter account has been followed. You can choose to display or hide the count box.
width text You can specify the width in pixels or percentage. For instance, 300px or 30%.
show-screen-name false, 0, true, 1 The user's screen name shows up by default, but you can opt not to show the screen name in the button.
size medium, large The size of the button can render in either 'medium', which is the default size, or in 'large' - which is the larger button.
dnt false, 0, true, 1 Opt Out of tailoring Twitter

Twitter - Hashtag

{SCTwitterHashtag hashtag=TwitterStories related=twitterapi,twitter lang=fr size=medium dnt=false}

hashtag text Enter hashtag word or phrase
text text Default Tweet Text
related text You can provide multiple related accounts by comma separating entries. Ex. 'anywhere:The Javascript API,sitestreams,twitter:The official account' or 'twitterapi,twitter'.
url text The URL of the page to tweet, defaults to current page
size medium, large The size of the button can render in either 'medium', which is the default size, or in 'large' - which is the larger button.
dnt false, 0, true, 1 Opt Out of tailoring Twitter
lang , fr, en, en-ss, en-xx, ar, ja, es, de, it, id, pt, ko, tr, ru, nl, fil, msa, zh-tw, zh-cn, hi, no, sv, fi, da, pl, hu, fa, he, ur, th, uk, ca, el, eu, cs, af, xx-lc, gl, ro, hr, ckb, en-gb The language for the Tweet Button

Twitter - Login

{SCTwitterLogin text=Login With Twitter logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Twitter - Mention

{SCTwitterMention screen_name=twitterapi related=twitter lang=fr size=medium dnt=false}

screen_name text The user to mention.
text text Default Tweet text
related text You can provide multiple related accounts by comma separating entries. Ex. 'anywhere:The Javascript API,sitestreams,twitter:The official account' or 'twitterapi,twitter'.
size medium, large The size of the button can render in either 'medium', which is the default size, or in 'large' - which is the larger button.
dnt false, 0, true, 1 Opt Out of tailoring Twitter
lang , fr, en, en-ss, en-xx, ar, ja, es, de, it, id, pt, ko, tr, ru, nl, fil, msa, zh-tw, zh-cn, hi, no, sv, fi, da, pl, hu, fa, he, ur, th, uk, ca, el, eu, cs, af, xx-lc, gl, ro, hr, ckb, en-gb The language for the Tweet Button

Twitter - Moment

{SCTwitterMoment url=https://twitter.com/i/moments/650667182356082688 maxwidth=550}

url text The URL of the Moment to be embedded
maxwidth text Set the maximum width of the displayed embed in whole pixels Minimum value: 220
limit text Display up to N items, where N is a value between 1 and 20 inclusive
dnt false, 0, true, 1 When set to true, the Moment and its embedded page on your site are not used for purposes that include personalized suggestions and personalized ads

Twitter - Embedded Tweets

{SCTwitterOEmbed url=https://twitter.com/BarackObama/statuses/266031293945503744 maxwidth=550}
{SCTwitterOEmbed url=266031293945503744 maxwidth=550}

url text The URL of the Tweet/status to be embedded or Tweet/status ID to return embed code for
maxwidth text The maximum width in pixels that the embed should be rendered at. This value is constrained to be between 250 and 550 pixels
hide_media true, false Specifies whether the embedded Tweet should automatically expand images which were uploaded via POST statuses/update_with_media.
hide_thread true, false Specifies whether the embedded Tweet should automatically show the original message in the case that the embedded Tweet is a reply. When set to Yes the original Tweet will not be shown.
align left, right, center, none Specifies whether the embedded Tweet should be left aligned, right aligned, or centered in the page.
related text A comma-separated list of Twitter usernames related to your content. This value will be forwarded to Tweet action intents if a viewer chooses to reply, like, or retweet the embedded Tweet
theme light, dark When set to dark, the Tweet is displayed with light text over a dark background
link_color text Adjust the color of Tweet text links with a hexadecimal color value
widget_type text Set to video to return a Twitter Video embed for the given Tweet
dnt false, 0, true, 1 When set to true, the Tweet and its embedded page on your site are not used for purposes that include personalized suggestions and personalized ads

Twitter - Share

{SCTwitterShare href=http://www.sourcecoast.com text=SourceCoast makes great Joomla extensions via=sourcecoast related=mandreae hashtags=Joomla,Facebook size=medium dnt=false}

href text The URL of the page to share, defaults to current page
via text Screen name of the user to attribute the Tweet to
text text Default Tweet Text
related text Related accounts
lang text The language for the Tweet Button
hashtags text Comma separated hashtags appended to tweet text
size medium, large The size of the rendered button
dnt false, 0, true, 1 Opt Out of tailoring Twitter

Twitter - Timeline

{SCTwitterTimeline types=user username=sourcecoast tweet-limit=5}

types user, likes, list, collection, search Profile
A user timeline displays the latest Tweets ordered from newest to oldest from a specific public Twitter account.

A timeline that displays the Tweets liked by a specific public Twitter account.

A list timeline displays the latest Tweets ordered from newest to oldest from a curated public list of Twitter accounts. Read more about Twitter lists at https://support.twitter.com/articles/76460.

A collection timeline displays multiple Tweets curated by a Twitter user in their chosen display order.

A search timeline displays Tweets from the past few weeks in the results of a Twitter search ranked by the Twitter search engine. A search widget is needed for this timeline. Create one at twitter.com/settings/widgets/new/search
username text Twitter screen name.
Ex. https://twitter.com/{screen_name}
widget_id text Used for 'Search' timeline.
Create/edit twitter widget to get the ID in the URL. Please visit the page twitter.com/settings/widgets/new/search to create a new search widget.
Ex. https://twitter.com/settings/widgets/{ID}/edit.
collection_id text Used for 'Collection' timeline.
The collection ID is in the public URL of the collection.
Ex. https://twitter.com/NYTNow/timelines/{ID}.
list_name text Used for 'List' timeline.
Please visit the page https://support.twitter.com/articles/76460 on how to create Twitter list and find the list name slug.
tweet_limit text Render a timeline statically, displaying only n number of Tweets. The height parameter has no effect when a Tweet limit is set.

Range: 1-20
width text Set the maximum width of the embedded Tweet
height text Set a fixed height of the embedded widget
show_replies false, 0, true, 1 Show Tweets in response to another Tweet or account
theme light, dark Display light text on a dark background
show_header false, 0, true, 1 Shows/hides the timeline header.
show_footer false, 0, true, 1 Shows/hides the timeline footer and Tweet composer link.
show_borders false, 0, true, 1 Removes all borders within the widget including borders surrounding the widget area and separating Tweets if set to No.
show_scrollbar false, 0, true, 1 Crops and hides the main timeline scrollbar, if visible. Please consider that hiding standard user interface components can affect the accessibility of your website.
transparent false, 0, true, 1 Removes the widget’s background color.
link_color color Adjust the color of links, including hashtags and @mentions, inside each Tweet
border_color color Adjust the color of borders inside the widget.

VK - Comments

{SCVkComments limit=10 mini=auto width=665 autopublish=true norealtime=false}

limit text Number of comments on the page (integer 5-100)
width text Sets module width in pixels (integer > 300)
height text Sets maximum height of the widget in pixels. Integer > 500. If 0, widget height is unlimited. If widget content is larger than the maximum allowed, internal scrolling appears. By default — 0
mini false, 0, true, 1, auto Enables the mini version of the widget — smaller fonts, smaller attachment thumbnails, smaller profile pcitures in second level comments. (1 — enabled, 0 — disabled, auto — automatic selection depending on the available width). By default — auto
media graffiti, photo, audio, video, link Allows attachments in comments. Available types: graffiti, photo, audio, video, link.
autopublish false, 0, true, 1 Automatically publish the comment to the user's VK page
norealtime false, 0, true, 1 Set whether realtime updates for the comments are enabled
url text URL of the page, containing the widget. Comments that are automatically posted to the user's VK page link to this URL, if autoPublish is enabled. (Optional parameter)

VK - Community

{SCVkCommunity link=http://vk.com/jfbconnect width=350 layout=3}

link text Enter page/group link. ex. https://vk.com/jfbconnect. You can also just enter the screen name
layout false, 0, 2, true, 1 0 — Button, 1 — Easy button, 2 — Link
wide false, 0, true, 1 0 (No) — standard mode. 1 (Yes) — if feed is displayed, posts in this mode are displayed with the community photo and Like counts.
width text Sets module width in pixels (integer > 300). If value is auto it adjusts to the module width.
height text Sets module height in pixels (integer from 200 to 600).
background_color color Widget background color in RRGGBB format
text_color color Text color in RRGGBB format.
button_color color Button color in RRGGBB format.

VK - Like Button

{SCVkLike layout=full height=22 width=350 verb=0}

layout button, full, mini, vertical Sets button design option. Available values: full (button with text counter), button (button with mini counter), mini (mini button), vertical (mini button, upper counter). By default — full
height 18, 20, 22, 24 Sets button design option. Available values: full (button with text counter), button (button with mini counter), mini (mini button), vertical (mini button, upper counter). By default — full
width text Sets module width in pixels (integer > 200, by default — 350). This parameter is applied only for the button with the text counter
verb false, 0, true, 1 Sets text option in the button
pagetitle text Sets page title (to display in post preview on the wall).
url text Sets page URL (to display in post on the wall). It is specified if article URL is different from URL where Like button is displayed at.
pageimage media Sets thumbnail image URL (to display in post preview on the wall).

VK - Login

{SCVKLogin text=Login With VK logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

VK - Playlist

{SCVkPlaylist code=code from widget here width=350}

code textarea To get the Widget Code, click 'share icon' and then click 'Export' tab in the pop up window.
width text Sets module width in pixels (integer > 200, by default — 350)

VK - Poll

{SCVkPoll poll_id=4_6df94627bb69225689 width=500}

poll_id text First, you need to create a poll on https://vk.com/dev/Poll page. Specify poll topic and several possible answers. Click Get Code button to view poll ID.
width text Sets module width in pixels (integer > 300)
url text Sets page URL (to display in preview from VK statuses). It is specified if URL for viewing the poll is different from the current one.

VK - Post

{SCVkPost width=650}

code textarea To get the Widget Code, click 'share icon' and then click 'Export' tab in the pop up window.
width text Widget's width. Full page width by default if width not set.

VK - Recommendations

{SCVkRecommendations limit=5 period=week verb=0 sort=friend_likes}

limit text Sets maximum number of pages displayed initially.
max text Sets maximum number of pages displayed after Show All Recommendations is clicked. If max <= limit, then Show All Recommendations link will not be displayed. By default — 4 * limit.
period day, week, month Sets accounting period for statistics. Available values: day — all posts within the last 24 hours are included, week — 7 days, month — 30 days.
verb false, 0, true, 1 Sets text option inside the module
sort friend_likes, likes sets sorting scheme for materials. friend_likes — by number of friends who clicked Like, likes — by total number of Likes.
target blank, top, parent Sets target parameter for links to site pages.

blank — to open in a new page
top — to open in a maximized browser window
parent — to open in the frame that contains the widget.

By default — parent.

VK - Share

{SCVkShare type=button text=Share}

type button, button_nocount, link, link_noicon, custom Button - button with right corners and a link counter.

Button without a counter - button with right corners without a link counter.

Link - text link with VK icon.

Link without an Icon - text link without icon.

Custom - custom button appearance, set in Text parameter. For instance, image tag can be added in the Text parameter.
text text For all button types except of custom, text parameter sets text on the button; for custom type this parameter sets HTML code of the button.
url text The link to share. The link to share will be the current url if left empty.

VK - Subscribe

{SCVkSubscribe type=group link=http://vk.com/jfbconnect width=350 mode=0}

type user, group, page Select to either subscribe to an author (user), group or page.
link text Link to User, Page or Group. Ex. http://vk.com/jfbconnect
width text Sets module width in pixels (integer > 200, by default — 350). This parameter is applied only for the button with the text counter
mode false, 0, 2 0 — Button, 1 — Easy button, 2 — Link
display false, 0, true, 1 0 — to display author and button, 1 — to display button only

WindowsLive - Login

{SCWindowsLiveLogin text=Login With WindowsLive logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.

Yahoo - Login

{SCYahooLogin text=Login With Yahoo logout=true logout_url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}

text text Text displayed before the Facebook Login Button
providers text Login Buttons will be shown for providers in this comma-separated list. Leave blank to show all providers. Example:facebook,google,twitter,linkedin
image text Specify the file name of the images to display, located in the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folders. Example:icon_label.png
logout false, 0, true, 1 When user is logged in and 'Show Logout' is enabled, the logout button or link will be displayed.
logout_url text Select the page the user will be redirected to after a successful logout. Leave blank to logout to the same page.


See Facebook Open Graph documentation for a full list of available fields.

Example: {SCOpenGraph url=http://www.sourcecoast.com}
Example: {SCOpenGraph image=http://www.sourcecoast.com/images/stories/extensions/jfbconnect/home_jfbconn.jpg}
Example: {SCOpenGraph description=Facebook connect integration for Joomla! Let users register and log into your site with their Facebook credentials.}

Note: Each Graph tag must only contain one property value. This is different than other JFBConnect tags which allow for multiple fields to be defined within the same {}.

title title=JFBConnect
type type=company
url url=http://joomla-facebook.com
image image=http://www.sourcecoast.com/images/stories/extensions/jfbconnect/home_jfbconn.jpg
site_name site_name=SourceCoast
description description=Joomla Facebook Connect integration, payment systems, and custom Joomla development based in Austin, TX