Topic-icon Help ALTER TABLE `#__jfbconnect_user_map` MODIFY COLUMN `fb_user_id`

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10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #36535 by Eduardo
Hello Alex, about a lot errors, and obviously the out of time to wait sometimes, I've decide to go back, and stay with version 5.0.1 of JFBConnet and 3.0.2 of ScLogin, I already uninstall everything of this new version of my site, and when I try to install a old version got this error:

JInstaller: :Install: Erro de SQL Função do Banco de Dados falhou. Número do erro 1054
Unknown column 'fb_user_id' in 'redg7_jfbconnect_user_map' SQL=ALTER TABLE `redg7_jfbconnect_user_map` MODIFY COLUMN `fb_user_id` BIGINT;

ALTER TABLE `#__jfbconnect_user_map` MODIFY COLUMN `fb_user_id` BIGINT;

Instalação de Componente: Erro no arquivo SQL Função do Banco de Dados falhou. Número do erro 1054
Unknown column 'fb_user_id' in 'redg7_jfbconnect_user_map' SQL=ALTER TABLE `redg7_jfbconnect_user_map` MODIFY COLUMN `fb_user_id` BIGINT;

ALTER TABLE `#__jfbconnect_user_map` MODIFY COLUMN `fb_user_id` BIGINT;

Can you help with this process? Thank you!
Last edit: 10 years 8 months ago by Eduardo.
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Support Specialist
We don't really support going back to v5.0.x after upgrading to v5.1. There are database changes that are made when upgrading to v5.1 that v5.0 simply couldn't know about, and so it can't 'downgrade' those changes.

You'd need to make modifications to your database tables manually for JFBConnect to undo the changes in v5.1. I can look up what those changes would need to be, but you'd have to apply them yourself.

In general, I know you've worked through some issues with v5.1, but I haven't heard too many requests lately. All of the last few posts you've made have regarded the SCLogin module and not JFBConnect directly.

If you are still having problems with JFBConnect, or our login module, please let me know what they are. We'd much rather keep you on v5.1 as that's where all of our focus is, and it's working for everyone else. You're the first case we've heard of a user downgrading, so we should be able to get you going.

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10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #36548 by Eduardo
Ok Alex, Thanks for your reply and interest in wanting to help me, I appreciate.
Let's see if I can pass you the problem, which is directly reaching the point marqueting my site, the frontpage banner.

And I decided to downgrade, because the changes with respect to autologin, and postwall login, because to be honest with you, did that whole process, all labor, anxiety for the approval of the facebook action to be posted on the wall of the user, for nothing, or as he said to you at the end of the post, the site sends the action saying that published in the timeline of the user, but go for the record of activities, and even if I click to display the timeline the action is not displayed, that is, THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN PUBLISH ACTIONS ON TIMELINE, EVEN IF I APPROVE THAT.

but that is past, and I've given up, now I use the open graph just to control exactly what you want to appear in the timeline of the user when he like a publication, and even then, if the debugger facebook is working, because if not is also not working.

Returning to our problem, I know it is with respect to conflicts of jquery and js, that's for sure, so let's aspects:

When installing JFBConnect, nothing happens, including the component is installed and running normally.

Now, the simple act of installing SCLOGIN with JFBConnect already installed, to fully my homepage banner, this banner, which is the link to install the app, which recently created and is ready for sale on APPLE STORE, that action is stop all banners on my site, if you disable sc login, nothing happen, the banners already gone, just if you UNINSTALL the sclogin, solve the problem, and all banners get back to work.

Then, taking the advantages that had, since the open graph does not work as it should, in other words, depends on the 3rd while the old login usually published on the wall of the user, my problem is concentrated in this conflicts = My Template (Solar by YooTheme) - ScLogin - JFBConnect

PS: I understand your point about auto-login and auto-publish on the wall of user, but was very cool.
Last edit: 10 years 8 months ago by Eduardo.
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Support Specialist
Regarding the Read actions, Facebook seems to have changed the behavior of these actions. I'm not sure why the "Show on Timeline" setting doesn't work, but that's an issue on their end, not something we can change in JFBConnect. Read actions can still show up in the 'news ticker' that friends can see as well as news feeds of what a user's friends are doing. So, while it won't show in the Timeline directly, it is possible for their friends to see that a read has happened.

JFBConnect v5.1 also implements new Open Graph Action types using buttons that, if initiated by a user, are guaranteed to show up in their Timeline. If you want more information on those, let us know.

Banners Failing
If the SCLogin module is disabled and you're still having issues, then the SCLogin module cannot be causing the problem. If it's not published, the SCLogin module will not execute at all and cannot be altering your page. You shouldn't need to uninstall it for a change.

That narrows it down to JFBConnect causing the conflict, which helps.

I'm assuming this is on your website, correct? I just looked and I see 2 inclusions of jQuery on the home page:
/models/media/widgetkit/js/jquery.js (which looks to be jQuery 1.9.1)
/media/sourcecoast/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js (which is JFBConnect's copy, but doesn't even look to load.. did you remove this file)?
To remove the loading of jQuery from JFBConnect, please go to the Configuration -> Misc area and set "Load jQuery" to "No". That will stop it from loading.

On the site above, the banner is correctly working right now, as far as I can tell. The < Left / Right > arrows on the side work and properly scroll as expected. Are you seeing the issue right now? Is it on the home page or other pages of the site?

Let me know more details about what is, or isn't working, and on what pages, and we'll gladly help more. Hopefully the Load jQuery setting above is the main one you need. If you install SCLogin again, it does have it's own Load jQuery setting. It seems that on your site, *both* of those settings should be disabled.

Let me know how that goes,
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Hi Alex, I just look some questions that you made and here the aswers:

JFBConnect v5.1 also implements new Open Graph Action types using buttons that, if initiated by a user, are guaranteed to show up in their Timeline. If you want more information on those, let us know.

I like soo much this, please!

/media/sourcecoast/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js (which is JFBConnect's copy, but doesn't even look to load.. did you remove this file)?

I not even have a sourcecoast folder with this file on models/media/, here isn't the location of ScLogin crate his folder? Because ScLogin its not installed, ok!

I'm assuming this is on your website, correct? I just looked and I see 2 inclusions of jQuery on the home page:
/models/media/widgetkit/js/jquery.js (which looks to be jQuery 1.9.1)

Sorry not mention the site, but is this!
I check the jquery.js and the hole site need this file, i just rename him and entire site was mangled, soo this file is need.

On the site above, the banner is correctly working right now, as far as I can tell. The < Left / Right > arrows on the side work and properly scroll as expected. Are you seeing the issue right now? Is it on the home page or other pages of the site?

The site is fine, because sclogin its not installed, and jfbconnect admin area is mangled.

So, i send to you my pass to admin area for you see by yourself, ok!
Thank's again for your support!
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Support Specialist
For the new action types, please read over the new Open Graph Actions for Joomla Configuration Guide . Specifically, the Ways to Trigger Actions portion. The last action type of "User Initiated Actions" is what you'd want.

not even have a sourcecoast folder with this file on models/media/, here isn't the location of ScLogin crate his folder? Because ScLogin its not installed, ok!

The folder is not in models/media, it's in the Joomla root /media/sourcecoast folder and should load. If you uninstalled SCLogin, it may have deleted those files as well, which could be cause other problems later.

Finally, we're working hard on the next release of JFBConnect, v5.1.2. We're changing the way that we load jQuery and the Bootstrap Javascript into a way that should be much more compatible with other extensions that use jQuery as well. That release should be out late next week. I think that may be the best solution for your site.

Until then, feel free to try and create the new popup / user-initiated actions. With the jQuery issues you have on your site, there may be problems, but we'll help diagnose if v5.1.2 should fix them, or if something else needs to be done.

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Thank's Alex for your attention, and I wait for next update, but it's be cool if you implement a way to go back if something goes wrong.

Until this update, I keep my site out of JFBc, but still hope a solution, cause I like so much your product!!! thank's again!
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10 years 7 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #36888 by Eduardo
Hi Alex, I try to do what you do on video that you send me a link, and NOT SUCCESS!!!

Here the errors, include on console, could you tell me what I do wrong?

USER wrote: escmaster Ler Artigo Frontpage Artigo Frontpage Error /models/index.php/casting/como-ingressar Unknown path components: / 2013-09-18 12:19:15

{JFBCAction id=6 text=Gostou deste vídeo? Compartilhe!!!}
{SCOpenGraph title=Como fazer parte da Contangels}
{SCOpenGraph description=Vídeo inspiração para você que sonha com a carreira de modelo fotográfico ou de passarela...}
{SCOpenGraph image=}

Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by Eduardo.
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Support Specialist
Going back to v5.0 is very difficult as that release doesn't know about the changes that were implemented later in v5.1. Additionally, the database changes are meant to accommodate new social network users, like Google+. Reverting those database changes would require deleting any Google+ users that login to the site, which is something that would cause other problems if downgraded.

As for the action error you mention above, it seems like you set the action name to ''. The Read action is actually "news.reads" (there's an extra 's' at the end of reads).

I hope that helps explain, but if you still have issues, just let me know.

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10 years 7 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #36967 by Eduardo
Hi Alex I made some changes e nothing of pop up shown, change the actions name, check id of action on page and, when the button is clicked, nothing happens!! ;(

refer: page that contain the button mentioned:

As for the action error you mention above, it seems like you set the action name to ''. The Read action is actually "news.reads" (there's an extra 's' at the end of reads).

With "S" was working, i made change and remove "S" but now With S, Without S on Contangels site, nothing works anymore, just open graph shares, that let me choose some data to share like image, title and description, nothing more works for me!
Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by Eduardo.
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