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Support for JFBConnect integration with Joomla 3.x.
Re: User Login issue
by alzander
1 year 7 months ago
All support questions related to JFBConnect for Joomla 2.5
Facebook for Joomla 1.5 support questions.
Support for Joomla 1.5 will be available through mid-2013.
Re: Can I still download 1.5?
by alzander
10 years 2 weeks ago

Sendy (CLOSED) 19 topics

Sendy is the self-hosted newsletter solution that's up to 100x cheaper than Mailchimp and other solutions. It's what we use on SourceCoast.com, and have a free extension for integrating it into your site!
All LinkedIn integration has been rolled into JFBConnect. All current JLinked subscribers have access to JFBConnect and are recommended to upgrade, though support will still be provided if you decide to remain on JLinked.
All LinkedIn integration has been rolled into JFBConnect. All current JLinked subscribers have access to JFBConnect and are recommended to upgrade, though support will still be provided if you decide to remain on JLinked.
All LinkedIn integration has been rolled into JFBConnect. For any questions regarding Joomla social network integration, please use the JFBConnect forums above.
Re: Missing Google+
by alzander
10 years 10 months ago
Re: Not working
by alzander
7 years 6 months ago
Verify that your Joomla installation hasn't been modified. This tool checks every file to ensure it's the original distribution file.