Topic-icon Help ALTER TABLE `#__jfbconnect_user_map` MODIFY COLUMN `fb_user_id`

Support Specialist
The files in our /media/sourcecoast folder seem to be missing on your site. The following files are getting 404 errors:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

I'm not sure why those files are missing, but they are critical for JFBConnect and Open Graph Action functionality. Did you delete those files? Can you re-install JFBConnect and the SCLogin module (part of JFBConnect) which will re-install our media files? That should make the popup appear properly.

With "S" was working, i made change and remove "S" but now With S, Without S on Contangels site, nothing works anymore, just open graph shares, that let me choose some data to share like image, title and description, nothing more works for me!

Does an error show up in the Activity Log when you are using the proper action of news.reads?
Are you sure you haven't already 'read' that page? Facebook will only post a read action 1 time per user per page. Check your JFBConnect and Facebook Activity Log to make sure the read for the page you're testing isn't already published.

I hope that helps get you started,
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Hello Alex, I appreciate your help, but if I re-install the Sclogin and JFBConnect, I certain lost main Frontpage Banner, like you said, a new version upcoming, and I prefer wait and install when is ready, because if i re-install the actual version, we stay days discussing about what jquery is right or wrong, so, I prefer wait, and hope that version solve the problem.

Thank you for your patience
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Support Specialist
Gotcha. The v5.1.2 release is scheduled for Wednesday now and we're hopeful will fix this issue, and a few others that some user's are experiencing.

Thank you for your patience!
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