JFBConnect Object Creation

If you want more flexibility over how Open Graph tags are set, the next step is to configure JFBConnect to create an 'object' and apply it to pages on your site.

JFBConnect installs multiple Open Graph plugins automatically when the component is installed. To set specific pages from your site as Facebook Open Graph Objects, first enable the Open Graph Plugins in the Joomla Plugin manager that you wish to use, like Content (Joomla Articles), JomSocial, EasyBlog, K2, jReviews or others. Then those object types will be available to create in the JFBConnect Social Meta area. 

Create a Open Graph Object in Joomla

The below steps will still guide you through how to configure the Open Graph description and image tags that will be used when your content is used in a Facebook wall post (when a user Likes, comments or shares the page). The recommended default settings for Joomla content would be an "Object Type" of 'article'.

First, go to the Social Meta control panel section of JFBConnect, and click on the "Objects" button.

JFBConnect Open Graph Control Panel

In the Object listing area, click "New" in the top right, and you'll see a popup like below:

JFBConnect Object Creation

The list of available object types is created from the enabled Open Graph plugins on your site. If you cannot find an expected object type despite having a supported third party extension on your site and/or the popup is empty, please ensure that 1) JFBConnect has properly installed the Open Graph plugin on your site and 2) that the plugin is enabled. If the third party extension was installed after JFBConnect or JFBConnect failed to detect the extension properly, our corresponding Open Graph plugin may be missing. You can either simply reinstall JFBConnect or manually install the Open Graph plugin. To manually install, there is a /packages/plugins/opengraph directory in the JFBConnect installation zip file. The supported Open Graph plugins can be found and manually installed from here.

For our case, we have regular Joomla articles that we want to create an object for, so we want to create a Joomla Content - Article type of object. This will allow us to set all articles from a specific category, and it's sub-categories, as a specific object type. Once selected, you'll see a configuration page like below:

JFBConnect Object Edit

The left-hand settings are the most important for defining your object. The main settings to configure here are:

  • Name - This is your own name for the object so you can distinguish it from others.
  • Object Type - This should be the exact object type available from Facebook. The most common used one is 'Article'.

The settings on the right side are custom parameters for each extension object type on how to configure the default Open Graph tags for these types of objects. In this example and the image above, the settings are all for Joomla article types. Object types for JomSocial, jReviews, EasyBlog and other plugins will have different parameters. A description of each setting, and how it's configured for our example is below:

  • Select a Category - The setting here will apply this object type to all articles within this category and sub-categories. On our demo site, we have a 'Recipes' category that we want to all be marked as the object type of 'recipe'. 
    • Please Note: You can create many objects. If you create a object type of a root category, it will apply to all sub-categories. Then, if you create an object for just one sub-category, those object settings will apply to that specific category while the parent object will work on all other items. This provides maximum flexibility for quickly setting objects across all articles on your site.
  • Description Type - The Open Graph description is used in Facebook wall posts as the preview of your article. When a user shares the article or an Open Graph Action is created, the description is used in the preview. This setting describes how the description is generated, whether it's a based on intro words, intro characters or the meta description for the article.
  • Description Length - When the Description Type is set to Intro Words or Intro Characters, this setting will set how many words or characters are used in the description.
  • Image Type - The preview of your article in news feed posts also includes an image. This setting will choose which image is automatically selected from each Joomla article to be used in the preview post.

Once configured as above, your Joomla articles in the selected category will now have a "Type" of "article".