Change position of K2 social sharing buttons

First, create a template override of the K2 item.php file. Inside the override file, place the following example code to add the social sharing buttons with a Box Count layout:

<div style="position: relative; top:0px; left:0px; z-index: 99;" class="scsocialbuttons box_count">
{JLinkedShare counter=top}
{SCTwitterShare href= data_count=vertical size=medium}
{SCGooglePlusOne size=tall}
{SCPinterestShare href= image= pin_count=above}
{JFBCLike layout=box_count}
<div style="clear:left"></div>
The example above uses the default styling provided in the /media/sourcecoast/css/jfbconnect.css file, but you can add your own classes to each Easy-Tag above if desired. An example with your own classes:
<div class="social_custom">{JLinkedShare counter=top}</div>
<div class="social_custom">{SCTwitterShare data_count=vertical size=medium}</div>
<div class="social_custom">{SCGooglePlusOne size=tall}</div>
<div class="social_custom scpin">{SCPinterestShare image= pin_count=above}</div>
<div class="social_custom">{JFBCLike layout=box_count}</div>
When you define your own classes, you may need to define your own styles. For this second example, here are the styles.
.social_custom {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;

.scpin { 

The examples above add the social sharing buttons. For more details on how to customize or add the Comments box or different JFBConnect Easy-Tags, see our Easy-Tag documentation.