Topic-icon Problems with Facebook app connection

Support Specialist
3 years 10 months ago #66472 by alzander
JFBConnect can post to Facebook or Twitter in a 2 ways: automatically or manually.

The manual way is to use the social toolbar, which you asked how to disable a few posts up. When enabled, an admin for your site (ie, you) can use the 'Create Post' button on any page of your site. In the popup that appears, type a message that goes along with the post, select the Channels (your Twitter streams and Facebook Pages) to post to and click "Post". That should send them to your channels. The benefit with manual is that it should work right now and works with all extensions since you go to whatever URL on your site you want to post from, regardless of component for that page.

The automatic method requires you to enable the Open Graph plugin for the extension you want to post from. JFBConnect comes with a few, but my guess is you want to publish the Open Graph - Content plugin. Then, in each channel's settings, select the "All objects (articles) from Joomla Content" in the Autopost Plugins setting. That will configure JFBConnect to automatically post and new Joomla articles you create whenever they are published.

There is also a way to control autoposting so it only posts from certain categories. If you'd like to set that up, let us know and we can help with that.

I hope the above helps get you going, but if not, let us know and we'll gladly help however we can.

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3 years 10 months ago #66474 by iamalive
Hi Alex

Thanks. That helps. Last point: I only want to send Articles from specific categories in Joomla, but I only want to publish when I hit the "published" button for an article in Joomla, as I may be working on it for a while and saving it for further editing before publishing. Is that the way it works?

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Support Specialist
3 years 10 months ago #66476 by mel
If you set up an Object in the JFBConnect backend > Social Meta area, you can direct it to only apply to certain categories. Then in the channel edit area (in the backend), select that object for the "Autopost Objects" setting.

Yes, when the article is published, that is when the autoposting will occur. If you check out this documentation , it explicitly states the times when the auto-post will occur.

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3 years 10 months ago #66479 by iamalive
Hi Melissa

Thanks for that - it helps. But one Problem: in the Channel area, I've set up twitter with the "All objects (Article) from Joomla Content.
In Social Meta I've created two object, one for each of the two categories I want to publish.
However, the Twitter Channel has just published something from a different Category, which I don't want published at all (it's a reference list of image sources). How do I prevent that?
The article I published in one of the two selected categories got posted correctly
The article didn't get posted to facebook, as it should have.:-(

Using your checking tools, everything seems to be set up correctly.

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Support Specialist
3 years 10 months ago #66480 by mel
Do you still have anything set in the "Autopost Plugins" setting? Can you un-select that and just use the "Autopost Object" setting?
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3 years 10 months ago #66481 by iamalive
Hi Mel

OK, done that
See this screen shot

I've made a minor change to the article and resaved it. But it still doesn't show. although it shows now in the Stream Test
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Support Specialist
3 years 10 months ago #66482 by mel

I've made a minor change to the article and resaved it. But it still doesn't show. although it shows now in the Stream Test

The posts in the stream test show what we've pulled from Facebook. When you say that "it still doesn't show", do you mean the article is not showing in A) Facebook or B) your Social Stream module on your Joomla webpage?

If A - Go into the JFBConnect backend > Channels > History tab and see if there are any errors
If B - Turn JFBConnect backend > Configuration > General > Cache Duration to 0 to force JFBConnect to fetch new posts. If it's like 15, that means JFBConnect will only fetch new posts every 15 minutes and cache them to save on page load times.
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3 years 10 months ago - 3 years 10 months ago #66483 by iamalive

It's A)

The history tab seems to suggest it was sent, but it's not showing up on the facebook page


I think I found my problem - the app was still in development mode. The article is now published!

On the assumption that all is now OK, I want to thank both you for your patience and help.

Best regards

Oops! I was to fast.
Now getting the following errors:
On the login Module:

Invalid Scopes: pages_manage_posts. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid permissions at:

In the Social Channels:

Facebook API Error: (#10) This endpoint requires the 'pages_read_user_content' permission or the 'Page Public Content Access' feature. Refer to and for details.


The selected user has not granted the 'pages_manage_posts' permission. Please have them login on the front-end of the site and accept the correct permission. If you have not gone through the app review process for these permissions, ensure your Facebook Application is in development mode.

I'm unclear how to solve this.

Last edit: 3 years 10 months ago by iamalive.
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Support Specialist
3 years 10 months ago #66484 by alzander
We're close, I can feel it! It's good Twitter is working, though we're unsure what's up with Facebook.

Can you Private Message us super admin credentials for your site so we can investigate a little more? Additionally, please send us a link to the Facebook Page that you're posting to so we can see what's showing up there.

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3 years 10 months ago #66486 by iamalive
Ok - I've supplied the required information.

I am very close to giving up on this component. It's too complicated.

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