Alright.. Thanks for the credentials. I think we got it going.
In the admin area, the Subscriber ID seemed to work fine. The profiles area wasn't letting me hit 'Save' because all of Autotune wasn't run. I entered Autotune and went to the Network Settings section and clicked the "Fetch Latest Network Settings" button. That updates the JFBConnect configuration with the most up to date settings for authentication to each network. Then, the Profiles area allows us to save (even though no plugins are enabled). I believe that cleared out whatever incorrect profile field was trying to request r_fullprofile.
Then I tried to login on the front-end, but was unable too. When I try, I get the following Javascript error:
(index):1661 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of null
at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick
That's from this code:
<a class="button button1 button-linkedin" onclick="document.getElementById('sc_lilogin').click()"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>Sign in with Linkedin</a>
You should be able to update that Javascript call to:
That's the direct way to force a LinkedIn login instead of the thing.
When I called that Javascript directly, I was successfully logged in with LinkedIn.
Hopefully that works for you, but if not let us know!