Topic-icon Linkedin not working latest version

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5 years 7 months ago #65063 by purplechris
Hi Guys

Seems all our sites are recently having this issue - We were unable to retrieve your LinkedIn account information. Please try again.

Looking in to the logs it seems to be a scope error


Due to full profile no longer being available via the linkedin API without prior linkedin approval

So we need to be looking for r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress since 2016, seems they are finally enforcing this.

I have tried turning off the custom db plugin and also trying each component option in turn. No joy

Could you please assist due to this being a very large issue for me.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Support Specialist
5 years 7 months ago #65065 by alzander
The r_fullprofile permission was removed from JFBConnect in May, 2015, shortly after LinkedIn announced their API changes. We haven't requested that permission since.

I know you've been a customer for a long time, but it seems like you were using a pretty old version. I see you recently re-subscribed. Has the updated version help fix your issue, or are you still encountering it? If so, it's possible there's some leftover value in the database associated with a profile field you are trying to request. That shouldn't happen, but in that case, simply going to the Profiles area of JFBConnect and hitting 'Save' with a newer version of JFBConnect should fix that.

Please let me know if you're still having problems and we'll gladly help investigate further if so.

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5 years 7 months ago #65072 by purplechris
Hiya Alex

New version is still the same sadly, although when i go to profiles it says: No JFBConnect Profile plugins are currently enabled.

Also it says Social Network configuration data not loaded. Please go to the Autotune - Network Settings area to configure this feature which I have just done.

So i tried autotune, but it says my id is expired, I have entered the one from my account.

So when i look at fetch config, it just says

Could not fetch application and recommendation data from Cached values were loaded, but may be out of date.
It's highly recommended that you make a successful connection to get the most up to date application data and recommendations.

Could you help?
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Support Specialist
5 years 7 months ago #65075 by alzander
We'll gladly help. Can you Private Message me with credentials to one of your sites with the issue? Once in, we'll check why the subscriber ID isn't working and look into where the incorrect r_fullprofile value is coming from. If we come up with some steps to fix it, we'll let you know so you can do the same on your other sites.

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5 years 7 months ago #65076 by purplechris
all done for you buddy
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Support Specialist
5 years 7 months ago #65087 by alzander
Alright.. Thanks for the credentials. I think we got it going.

In the admin area, the Subscriber ID seemed to work fine. The profiles area wasn't letting me hit 'Save' because all of Autotune wasn't run. I entered Autotune and went to the Network Settings section and clicked the "Fetch Latest Network Settings" button. That updates the JFBConnect configuration with the most up to date settings for authentication to each network. Then, the Profiles area allows us to save (even though no plugins are enabled). I believe that cleared out whatever incorrect profile field was trying to request r_fullprofile.

Then I tried to login on the front-end, but was unable too. When I try, I get the following Javascript error:

(index):1661 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of null
at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick

That's from this code:
<a class="button button1 button-linkedin" onclick="document.getElementById('sc_lilogin').click()"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>Sign in with Linkedin</a>
You should be able to update that Javascript call to:
That's the direct way to force a LinkedIn login instead of the thing.

When I called that Javascript directly, I was successfully logged in with LinkedIn.

Hopefully that works for you, but if not let us know!
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