Embedded Media

The Instagram Embed widget makes it possible for you take any Instagram photo or video and embed it directly in to the content of your website.

Multiple Ways to Include Embedded Photos and Videos

You can configure the Embed widget as a Joomla module to pull in the Instagram preview or our easy-tag system for even more flexibility.

SCSocialWidget Module

The SourceCoast Social Widget module is a simple way, using the Joomla administration area, to embed media on multiple pages or sections of your site at once. You can easily set the specific Instagram URL for the media to embed. Additional parameters such as layout size are easily set.

SCTwitterShare Easy-Tag

For maximum flexibility, you can use the JFBConnect easy-tag for the embedded Instagram photo or video as well. Simply insert the following code into any article, custom HTML module, or template, and JFBConnect will translate it to the Instagram preview with the configuration options you want:

{SCInstagramOEmbed url=http://instagr.am/p/BUG/ maxwidth=612 maxheight=612}