Add Login Buttons

Simply use the {JFBCLogin} tag anywhere on your site and the Login buttons will appear for guest users.

  1. Specify the desired providers by adding the providers field with a comma-separated list. Example: {JFBCLogin providers=facebook,google,linked}
  2. If you'd prefer to use your own images for the login buttons, for each provider you are displaying, add an image to the corresponding /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folder. Then add the image name to the JFBCLogin tag. Example: {JFBCLogin image=icon_label.png}
  3. You can also include a logout button, when users are logged in, by specifying {JFBCLogin logout=true}

There are more options for the look of the button that can be seen in the Tag section of the JFBConnect Configuration Guide:

These tags can be placed in an article, a custom HTML module, or any template file.  All settings in the JFBConnect component (new user type, redirections, etc) will be used automatically.