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Support Specialist
9 years 11 months ago #44820 by alzander
There's not any way that we can imagine we could use the name of the user to automatically link accounts. Emails have some validity to them. The user has to confirm them with the social network and the social network does some diligence to disable accounts that have been spamming or doing other 'bad' things.

Names, however, are common among social networks. There are very, very many John Smith's out there. In addition to standard conflicts of names by accident, if we were to link by name, there would be obvious security implications as someone could create a fake profile with 'your' name and link it to your site. I don't know of any way around this without severe security and/or privacy issues. For instance, we could put up a list saying "Are you this John Smith" with some info from your site, like an email address. That could easily be abused to gather information about a specific user and still wouldn't prevent someone from falsifying their info.

With all that said, JFBConnect provides multiple ways for an existing user to link their social network to their account:
* The SCLogin module has an option for "Show Connect Buttons". When enabled and a user is logged in, a list of the social networks the user hasn't associated with will show and they can link them together.
* You can disable Automatic Registration. Then, the user will be brought to a Login *or* Register page. The login portion will let them login with an existing account, the register side will let them create a new one. With the settings in JFBConnect you can hide *every* field on the register side and just have a button that says "Create New Account", which makes the process as close to auto-registration as possible.

I hope that helps explain, but if you have any suggestions for improvements to JFBConnect, we're always listening.

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I think that even a minimal option of being able to manually linking the accounts in the admin section would be a good thing. That way if you happen to have someone that creates an account manually on the site and later on decides to sign in using their social account would be able to have them both linked by the admin.
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Support Specialist
9 years 11 months ago #44827 by alzander
That is a good idea and not one that's been requested before. We have it on our list, in the 6.2 version later this summer, to have an easier way for an end-user to manage their connections from the front-end. The idea is to show them which accounts they've linked to in their Edit Profile area and let them remove and connect to social networks there. An admin option definitely sounds worthy of investigation as well.

Thanks for the feedback. I can't say when this will be implemented, but it will be investigated for the 6.2 release as well. If you have any other suggestions, just let us know.

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