Topic-icon Open Graph: FB presents escape codes in url so page is not found

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This is a followup (continuing problems) to the problem discussed here (topic is now closed, so starting a new topic):

Still having problems with this.

It is true that the suggestions in post 54069 of the above topic helps to a certain extent. I actually can get the OG image to appear on facebook.

However, when you go to facebook, the link in the OG object still has the excape codes, so you get a broken link.

Again examples:

website page:


Running it through shows no problems other than saying my image is too small.

Any further ideas?
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Support Specialist
We had a similar post lately, though for a slightly unrelated issue. I'd love it if you'd be up for trying the code edit in the post below to see if it fixes the issue you're having. If so, it will help us with testing and confirmation of the problem:

It's a pretty easy fix, but if you have any questions or run into further issues, please let us know.

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Thanks for the quick reply.

I am handy with a text editor. And....

It worked! Check out the facebook link above. I posted a new OG link about our September meeting and the URL is correct.

I did a new scrape fetch on the Open Graph Object Debugger just in case. Not sure if that was needed, but just to be safe.

Thanks again.
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Support Specialist
Thank you for the confirmation that the code fixed your problem. I've added the issue to our tracker to address in the next release.

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