Topic-icon Recent update ruined fixes for mobile facebook comments and linkedin

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Recent update ruined fixes for mobile facebook comments and linkedin.

We had worked out fixes to restore the linkedin button and to fix the settings for facebook comments on mobile devices. When I recently updated jfbconnect, those fixes disappeared. I checked the code and the default facebook is 2.3 and the linkedin fix no longer works.

Here is a page:
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Support Specialist
With JFBConnect v6.4, we updated to Facebook's latest API. We also updated the Comments box to use their most current widget, which is responsive and the correct way to fix the comment box.

On your site, there is another inclusion of the very, very old Facebook Javascript library which is likely causing the older comment box to be used. The specific code is:
<!-- Facebook SDK -->
<div id='fb-root'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>(function(d){var js,id='facebook-jssdk';if(d.getElementById(id)){return;}
<!-- End Facebook SDK -->
You'll need to find what extension is adding that and remove it. The Autotune - Error Check tool is also picking up this error, which should help you diagnose when it's fixed.

and the linkedin fix no longer works.

Can you tell me what issue you were running into with LinkedIn and what the original fix was that got you going?

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That old code is from sh404sef.

About LinkedIn, the only issue is that the button does not show up. The work around has been removed. Here is what it was:

"This is a bug that was introduced in the 6.3.0 release that affects a minority of sites. We'll have a fix in the 6.3.1 release, due out later this month. In the meantime, if you'd like to make a quick code change, you can fix it now as follows:
* Edit the /libraries/sourcecoast/utilities.php file
* Around line 82, you'll see:

$extraButtonText .= '{JLinkedShare href=' . urlencode($url) . " layout=" . $dataCount . $renderKeyString . '}';

* Update that to the below:

$extraButtonText .= '{JLinkedShare href=' . $url . " layout=" . $dataCount . $renderKeyString . '}';
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Support Specialist
Ahh.. that work-around wasn't removed, it was simply improved. The workaround that was posted in that thread before was the 'quick and dirty' way to get it done, but not the ultimate solution we settled on as it would a) fix the users that ran into issues after 6.3.0 but b) revert to a problem that some users before 6.3.0 were using.

Anyways, I just checked your page more thoroughly and found the issue. That page is throwing the following Javascript error:

Uncaught Error: You must specify a valid JavaScript API Domain as part of this key's configuration.

Please go over our LinkedIn App Setup Guide . Specifically, step 3-E-a (Javascript API Domain) and that should get you going.

I hope that helps,
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That took care of it.
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Support Specialist
Glad we could help straighten things out and very happy that our fix for the LinkedIn Share button wasn't the culprit. It's tough making sure everything works for all sites, so we like the re-assurance every once in a while :)

If you need anything else, just let us know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It's certainly not required, but very appreciate:

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