Topic-icon Problems with 4.1.0 - didn't get the application

Support Specialist
12 years 3 months ago #17568 by alzander
curl_exec is absolutely required by Facebook, and there is no way around it. cURL is a way to fetch or POST data to a remote URL. That's how all of Facebook works to get user information, authenticate, etc.

curl_exec, by itself, is not a security issue. However, it can be abused by poorly written (or malicious) extensions if they open up vulnerabilities that let arbirtary users run the cURL function calls (think about downloading remote 'bad' files to your server).

Disabling by default isn't a bad thing. Securing things that aren't required is generally good security practices. Open up those restrictions when necessary is what needs to be done as you find needs for those features though, like cURL.

As for Wordpress, they didn't remove curl_exec. In 2.7, they implemented an automatic updating and version check mechanism that used curl_exec. Because it's so popular to have that disabled, when users moved to 2.7, there were a lot of users getting "curl_exec has been disabled on this server" errors. In 2.7.1, Wordpress implemented an alternative method to curl_exec... not because of security issues, but because of the support required to use it.

Finally, for Kloxo, I've never used it, but they added the curl_exec disabling about 7 months ago, per the bug post below:
It's also noted in that post:
but they became configurable by admin now (per domain for suphp mode). I also excluded some other advanced php settings that imho should belong to the admin only. Please test and when approved merge with 6.1.x
So it should be something you configure.. but don't ask me how :)

Hope that all helps,
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Thanks for the reply. It also confirms what I am reading in the last hours. Disabling it by default isn't really a bad thing, the bad thing is that Kloxo disabled the option to enable it. :( At least if you are not the server admin. For example, I have the option on a VPS running with Kloxo, however I don't have it on a shared/reseller hosting with it. The worst is that it can't be enabled by "user", but only "per domain". So when you have several domains, then you need to ask the hosting provider to enable it for each.

Thanks once again, it is not an issue with the extension itself, but is quite annoying. Tomorrow should be fixed :)
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Support Specialist
12 years 3 months ago #17578 by alzander
Glad to hear your making progress on it. Definitely not an issue with JFBConnect, but understand how it can be frustrating. Hopefully, you're server will be updated soon and things will be back to normal!

Best of luck, and let us know if you run into any other issues,
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OK, curl_exec was enabled and it appears to be working on the 1.7 site.
However on the 1.5 site (, after login/logout it is redirecting to JCal component. You can try it yourself.
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Support Specialist
12 years 3 months ago #17598 by alzander
Glad to hear that got you going.

For the redirection, can you tell me what the New and Returning User Redirection settings in JFBConnect are set to? We're investigating an issue in 4.1.0 related to some changes with those redirections. If they are configured to leave the user on the current page, you may need to update them to redirect to a specific menu item. That will temporarily work around the issue until 4.1.1 is released, which will fix the issue.

Hope that helps,
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All are set to not redirect. However it redirects to that page interdependently where I logged in. So it is expected to be fixed in the next version, great.
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Support Specialist
12 years 3 months ago #17608 by alzander
Yes, we're investigating the cause now, and will have a fix in 4.1.1 due out next week.

Until then, we'd recommend you explicitly set a menu item to redirect too on login and registration instead of leaving the user on the 'current' page, which isn't working right on some site configurations.

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