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12 years 8 months ago #12236 by peppemannen

alzander wrote: While it's great you solved it, it's definitely not good that you had to disable that setting. Can you let me know if you were just using the built in SEF URLs with Joomla 1.7, or if you were using some other SEF extension?

Either way, we'll work to fix this as that's not a setting you should have to disable.

Thanks for the feedback and patience in the matter,

Hi Alex,
I am using the built in SEF URL for Joomla.
Would be great if it worked to switch that on in the future!

Best regards

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Support Specialist
12 years 8 months ago #12359 by alzander
We just tried to diagnose this further, but weren't able to recreate the issue. When we enable SEF URLs in 1.7, the URL that we create for the Like button or Comment box is correct (usually the same as the current URL).

Can you let us know if you're running on a Linux or Windows server? Also, can you let us know what each of your options is set to in the SEO Settings area of Global Config (SEF URLS, Use URL Rewriting, etc). Finally, if you are using the "Use URL Rewriting" setting, have you renamed the htaccess.txt or webconfig.txt file (depending on your type of server)?

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