Topic-icon Auto Post to Facebook Page

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6 years 3 months ago #64075 by Ivan
With the new release of sourcecoast plugin for 2.5 can the content be automatically posted to our Facebook page? If so what permission would this require?
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6 years 3 months ago #64076 by mel
Replied by mel on topic Auto Post to Facebook Page
Yes, JFBConnect allows auto-posting to Facebook Pages from certain extensions, for example - Joomla content, K2, EasyBlog, etc and has for quite some time. Facebook has recently changed which permissions are required for this to manage_pages and publish_pages, so you'll need to make sure you're on the most recent version of JFBConnect to get prompted for the correct scopes.

If you'd like to read more about setting up auto-posting, please go to our Quick Start Guide for the "Post Content to Social Networks" section.

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6 years 3 months ago #64079 by Ivan
Replied by Ivan on topic Auto Post to Facebook Page

So first we must upgrade to the latest FB. This should be out next week right. I would basically need to prompt the user for permission then if granted post the content on our page. Are there any threads here that explain a bit more detail on what function in the api to do this?
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6 years 3 months ago #64080 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Auto Post to Facebook Page
JFBConnect v8 is already out. The 'Channels' functionality for posting content to a Facebook Page or Group, Twitter Stream or LinkedIn Company page has been in JFBConnect for a few years though (since JFBConnect v7.0, I believe). The latest release of JFBConnect updates the autoposting ability due to all of Facebook's recent changes regarding privacy though, so it's recommended you upgrade to that to make the integration go as smooth as possible.

With that said, the autoposting is mainly intended for the admin of the site to create a link to their Facebook Page. Then, new content can be automatically posted to that Page. We don't recommend trying to set it up so that your general users can link their own Facebook Page to your site and let you push content to your users Pages. If that's what you're looking to do, I don't think JFBConnect would be a good fit.

As for posting, what it could do is:
* You (or admin of your site) create a channel
* You setup which types of contents that JFBConnect supports for autoposting (new Joomla articles, EasyBlog posts, etc).
* Whenever a new item is published, it's automatically posted to the Page. It doesn't matter who creates it. If it's in an article category you have setup, for example, it will be posted.. no permissions from the user necessary since the admin of the Page has already allowed it.

The main functionality for this is in our Open Graph plugins. If you needed to create a method for automatically posting some content we don't already support, you'd need to create a new Open Graph plugin to support that type of content.

Finally, once a channel is setup, you can easily use it to pull in a feed from Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for display on your site. You can see an example of this below in our "Social Stream" module.

For more details on setting up a channel, see our Channel setup guide. If you have any questions, just let us know.

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6 years 3 months ago #64082 by Ivan
Replied by Ivan on topic Auto Post to Facebook Page

I do not wish to publish content to a users page instead i want when the user creates content on my site for it to be published automatically on our page which we already have setup. It does seem possible with what you stated right....
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Support Specialist
6 years 3 months ago #64083 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Auto Post to Facebook Page
Yes, that sounds exactly what JFBConnect is meant to do.

If you need any help getting things going, we'll be here to help.

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