Topic-icon Unable to connect through facebook or google+

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8 years 7 months ago #55857 by infines

I get server error "Server Configuration Errors Found! Please correct the errors listed before continuing."
cURL Disabled
Errors Found

in system configuration you can see that the curl is enabled
screenshot attached.

Facebook error that he cant find the app on the backend:
Facebook Application configuration could not be loaded. Please check your App ID and Secret Key
I have checked many times, its ok.
on the frontend I get: We could not log you in: You can't log in to this app because you do not meet this app's requirements for country, age or other criteria.
screenshot attached.
and o google + i get: We were unable to retrieve your Google account information. Please try again.
screenshot attached.
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Support Specialist
8 years 7 months ago #55867 by alzander
There are many reasons that cURL may not work. All are usually easily solvable, but I wasn't able to check the full System Information page because the credentials you sent were limited. Also, please note that all posts are public in this forum as well. If you need to send credentials, please Private Message them by using the mail icon under my name to the left.

One thing I immediately see is that you're using a very old version of JFBConnect. The first thing I'd recommend is upgrading to the latest release. If that doesn't help, or you really want to use an old version, we'll gladly help. However, if you do need more assistance, please post from the account you subscribed to JFBConnect from. Priority support is for active subscribers only.

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Support Specialist
8 years 7 months ago #55965 by alzander
Thank you for sending the credentials. Your server is indeed blocking curl. If you go to the PHP Information area, you'll see the following block:

fsockopen, curl_multi_getcontent, curl_multi_exec, show_source, curl_exec, url_multi_exec, system, chown, chgrp, shell_exec, parse_ini_file, passthru, exec, dl, popen, proc_open, proc_close, allow_url_fopen, disk_free_space, set_time_limit, leak, tmpfile, symlink, ftp_exec, ftp_get, ftp_login, ftp_nb_fput, ftp_put, ftp_raw, ftp_rawlist, fsocket, pfsockopen, fp, fput, ftp_connect

curl_exec is listed in there, which means you can't run any curl commands, which are definitely required by JFBConnect.

As for your subscription, it looks to have expired a little over a year ago. To upgrade to the latest release or be able to run Autotune, you'll need to re-subscribe.

I hope that helps get you going,
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8 years 7 months ago #56071 by infines
thank you for your help,
I fixed the curl issue, and google+ works fine.
Facebook gives a different error, screenshot attached.

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unfortunately this project has taken a long time to go live and on the test server we could not test JFBConnect, the client will not pay for another subscription,
I hope you can help get this up and running.
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Support Specialist
8 years 7 months ago #56083 by alzander
I'm not sure of the issue with Facebook from that image. Please note that Facebook has made numerous changes over the last year to which JFBConnect has been updated to be compatible. Please see the full Changelog for details. Specifically:
* v6.3.0 added some compatibility updates for Joomla 3.4
* v6.4.0 added support for Facebook Graph API v2.3 apps

I'm not sure what Facebook Application or JFBConnect versions you are using. You can check the JFBConnect version in the admin area of your site or the Facebook version by editing your Facebook Application . Let us know those versions and we'll see if there's any way we can help. My guess is that you'll need to be using a newer version if you need Facebook authentication to be functional.

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Active Subscriptions:

8 years 7 months ago - 8 years 7 months ago #56152 by infines
thanks for your help,
the JFBConnect version is 6.0.6, facebook applicataion API version v2.0 , Joomla! 2.5.22.
sending another screenshot with error
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Last edit: 8 years 7 months ago by infines.
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Support Specialist
8 years 7 months ago #56155 by alzander
I'm not sure what that error is. It's not something that any users are reporting with recent versions of JFBConnect. My only suggestion would be to upgrade and see if that fixes the issue. If you really want to stick with such an old version, that's fine, but to provide support, you'd still need a subscription to JFBConnect. Each subscription comes with 6 months of access to new releases, priority support and use of the autotune configuration tool.

Beyond that, Joomla 2.5.22 is extremely old and has multiple major security fixes in it. At the very least, please make sure you apply the latest patch, which fixes an issue with all versions of Joomla 2.5, though the patch is intended for 2.5.28, so I don't know if it would cause problems with 2.5.22:

Sorry I can't be of more help right now. I do think a simple upgrade of JFBConnect will likely get you going though.

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Support Specialist
8 years 7 months ago #56181 by alzander
I just looked at your site. For Facebook authentication, the likely cause is that another extension is re-including the Facebook Javascript library on your site. You'll need to remove this additional inclusion to make sure that JFBConnect's authentication feature is initialized properly with your correct FB App ID. The offending code is:
(function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(d.getElementById(id))return;js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}(document,"script","facebook-jssdk"));
The all.js file was deprecated by Facebook over 3 years ago and has not been recommended for use since that time.

Hopefully that gets you going,
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