Topic-icon Invalid Token, plus backend error

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9 years 3 months ago #52500 by qeaou
There a few posts before about Invalid Token when trying to login user, but this one is a bit different.
Disabled cache, FB and other API's are correct.
This happens when user is logging in using existing username and password (not social buttons)
"INvalid Token Error"
Also, when trying to change option in backend, getting an "0 - Error" - attached.

I have an installation of JFB connect on another site, and it works fine,
the difference on this one is:
1. J2.5 instead of 3
2. download ID, just expired so was not able to run autotune.
- does this mean i can no longer use the component after support expires?
that's not good...

Any help much appreciated is the domain - for login click on the drop down tab'
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9 years 3 months ago #52501 by qeaou
Invalid Token Error fixed.

Now the problem remains: cannot edit any settings in joomla backend (JFB component) - it always gives the Error attached in the original post.

0 - An error has occurred.
Table config not supported. File not found.
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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52507 by mel
Can you try re-installing JFBConnect? It sounds as if the database tables didn't get created correctly or the files didn't get installed properly.

2. download ID, just expired so was not able to run autotune.
- does this mean i can no longer use the component after support expires?
that's not good...

The component will still continue to work after the subscription has expired, but the Autotune configuration tool within JFBConnect will not, as explained on the JFBConnect purchase page at

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9 years 3 months ago #52511 by qeaou
Thanks for that suggestion, it worked.
Just in the interest of others encountering this, you need to uninstall component, clean cache and in my case run an sql table refresh or fix, otherwise, the component reinstalls using the same corrupt table (i think)...

What still happens now:
1. When I am in JFBC dashboard "Facebook Application information not found. Please run AutoTune to fetch your settings."
FB App is working correctly, so not sure why this still appears. I just want the autotune prompt to politely get off my back :)

2. Trying to run channel display (Social stream from FB page), signed up up as a new user using FB social connect,
selected that user in backend as author of channel, but the message i receive is:
"The selected user has not granted the "manage_pages" permission. Please have them login on the front-end of the site and accept the correct permission."
- I can't for the life of me find that variable anywhere, can you help? How to users grant permissions from front end?
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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52513 by mel

1. When I am in JFBC dashboard "Facebook Application information not found. Please run AutoTune to fetch your settings."
FB App is working correctly, so not sure why this still appears. I just want the autotune prompt to politely get off my back

The message is displayed since this is a new install and you've never run Autotune on your site since your subscription has expired. While it may be annoying, you can safely ignore this message.

2. Trying to run channel display (Social stream from FB page), signed up up as a new user using FB social connect,
selected that user in backend as author of channel, but the message i receive is:
"The selected user has not granted the "manage_pages" permission. Please have them login on the front-end of the site and accept the correct permission."
- I can't for the life of me find that variable anywhere, can you help? How to users grant permissions from front end?

Please see the following link for how to get these permissions granted. Search for "The selected user has not granted the "XYZ" permission. Please have them login on the front-end of the site and accept the correct permission". If you follow the steps and still have problems, scroll down to the Troubleshooting section to help resolve the issue. After trying these suggestions, if you're still having issues, please let me know.

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9 years 3 months ago #52556 by qeaou
Thanks Mel,

For some reason now, social buttons are inactive:
The sclogin module displays social buttons, but they cannot be clicked on, I tried with and without jquery (it seemed like a java thing), and with and without encryption and forcing ssl.
Any ideas?
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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52567 by alzander
It doesn't seem like our JFBCSystem plugin is enabled at all. Can you double check that the authentication, user and system plugin are enabled for JFBConnect?

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9 years 3 months ago - 9 years 3 months ago #52569 by qeaou
Hi Alex, yes this seems to be the issue,
(this happened when i reinstalled JFB as part of another problem) - so I enabled JFB both system and user plugins etc...
and now the site just goes blank, I contacted server admins, they said it is a joomla issue not a server one, so I am a bit stuck...
why would this be happening? any clues?

I went through the forum and it seems like it's not a one off issue, has been happening to other users, mainly to do with missing php libraries.
(in my case it is not the J version, I am using the latest 2.5)
(I was not able to login to backend, so via FTP I renamed the component folder, now the site is back up but JFB is obviously not live - giving message attached)

What is the best way to try to address the issue?
File Attachment:

Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by qeaou.
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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #52585 by mel

so I enabled JFB both system and user plugins etc... and now the site just goes blank

A blank page generally means that you have a PHP error on the page. If you turn error reporting to Maximum or Development in the Joomla Global Configuration area, you'll probably see an error message in the front-end. From the error screenshots you've provided, it looks like all the necessary files are not in place on your site. OOur factory.php file is used extensively in JFBConnect and is probably causing the error on the front-end too.

I'd suggest disabling all of the JFBConnect plugins, SCLogin, SourceCoast library and JFBConnect component. Then attempt to re-install again. Verify that the components/com_jfbconnect/libraries/factory.php file is present. If it is, then re-enable everything and try to load the frontend/backend again. If it is not there, let us know.

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9 years 3 months ago #52618 by qeaou
I re-installed (third time now), but still same result. Best way to explain this is here

it's a screencast, disabling, enabling, errors, etc...
Please help
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