Topic-icon cant' share status or other on facebook automatically

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Maybe I'm not able to configure something well, could you do it for me?
this is my website:
Thank you in advance
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Support Specialist
9 years 4 months ago #52124 by mel
There are a couple of different ways to push status or content from your page to Facebook.

1. For JomSocial, you can push the status updates made in JomSocial to Facebook. To do this, enable the 'Social Profiles - JomSocial' plugin. Go to JFBConnect > Profiles > JomSocial tab and enable the 'Push Social Network Status' setting.

2. If you want to share page content from the front-end of your site to your Facebook Pages or Groups, you can use JFBConnect's Channel feature. First, you will have to configure a social channel as described step-by-step at and then post from the front end by following the steps at - Please note that pushing content through our channels is not an automatic process. It is something you will have to do manually.

I'm unsure of what exactly you're looking for as your description is vague. If the above are not what you're talking about, you will need to clarify. If you are already trying one of the options above but are running into issues, please provide specific details on how to reproduce, what URL you're seeing the problem on, any error messages that are occurring, expected versus actual behavior, etc and we'll be glad to help.

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9 years 4 months ago #52132 by AIMS
ok still doesn't work :( but I've send you a PM with a better expanation of my problem and my passwords to access to the backend....
Thank you
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Support Specialist
9 years 4 months ago #52145 by mel
After authenticating as a developer on your application (since your app has not been through the approval process yet), pushing posts from JomSocial and pulling posts from Facebook to JomSocial is working for me. I did not have to make any changes to make this work.

Pushing Posts from JomSocial:
The privacy must be Public (Pubblico) on the new posts in JomSocial. The default privacy on your site for new posts is for Site Users only (Utenti del Sito). When set to Site Users, the post will not go to FB (as expected); when I changed it to public, it was posted just fine to Facebook. I am unfamiliar if you can change the default privacy level in JomSocial, but this is something to consider.

Pic of post that I made in JS on your site:
File Attachment:

Pulling Posts from Facebook:
Any new Facebook status posts are only pulled when the user on your site authenticates with Facebook. So if you update a post in FB, you will not see it on your site simply be refreshing. You must log out and then re-authenticate with your Facebook credentials.

Pic of post made in Facebook and pulled to your page:
File Attachment:

* For testing, I turned off caching in your Joomla Global Configuration area. Your backend is intermittently not loading for me, so I am having troubles switching it back on. This is not just in the global config area; I also couldn't successfully change JFBConnect settings... Don't know what this problem is, but it seems server related and not related to JFBC at all.

I think the functionality works fine, so you'll need to finish the approval process. Let me know if you have any other problems with this going forward.

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9 years 4 months ago #52146 by AIMS
Ok It's working! Thank You :)
Now I only have this problem To continue with the submission for the Items in Review with my Facebook App
Really don't know how to go forward and what I have to write in the Notes and step-by-step instructions in English that show how to access Facebook Login.
Please help me in doing this <3
The privacy Policy it's ok :)
Thank you
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Support Specialist
The steps and pictures should be pretty straightforward. You'll need to provide a URL to where the user can login and tell them what login button to click. Then, describe why you're asking for the specific permissions you're asking for. For instance, "publish_actions" is for pushing status they post on your site back to their Facebook Timeline. "user_website" is to fill out the profile on your site with their Facebook profile information.

Generally, the submission process goes pretty smoothly. Just go through each step of what the user should test as best you can *as if the tester has never seen your site or knows what to do on it*.

I hope that helps,
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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #52160 by AIMS
I've tried But I'm not able to do this and I don't know if what I've done for the App Is well done, mybe Mel could help me as developer...

I also have some doubt about my JFBC configuration would you help me? I mean Would you help me with the configuration in Jomsocial option when I use JFBConnect ?
I'm not sure I've done it well. I also don't Know if I have to switch off the JFBC Integration... I've tried to ask for it to JOMSocial team they told me I have to ask to you :(
would you check it please?
Thank you in advance
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by AIMS.
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Support Specialist
9 years 4 months ago #52166 by mel

I've tried But I'm not able to do this and I don't know if what I've done for the App Is well done, mybe Mel could help me as developer...

Please see the PM that I just sent you. It has some text to start with for the 'Facebook Login Integration' section

I mean Would you help me with the configuration in Jomsocial option when I use JFBConnect ?
I'm not sure I've done it well. I also don't Know if I have to switch off the JFBC Integration

* I just went in and deleted the 'Facebook Application Key' and 'Facebook Application Secret' values in JomSocial.
* Having 'Use SourceCoast's JFBC' enabled is already correct in JomSocial.
* I disabled the 'System - Jomsocial Facebook Connect' plugin as it is not needed when JFBConnect is used.

This should be all that you need to change in JomSocial itself, but let me know if you have further questions.

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9 years 4 months ago #52170 by AIMS
Ok 'Facebook Login Integration' field is saved!! thank you so much!!

1) would you help me with the "Page for Testing" (required)?
2) And also would you check if the notes required for the publish_actions and user_status are ok?

I'm trying to put the sceernshots in now
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Support Specialist
9 years 4 months ago #52185 by mel

1) would you help me with the "Page for Testing" (required)?

Follow the link in the application to 'Create a New Page' and whatever steps they prompt you for. I don't know the choices that are appropriate for your site, so you will have to create the page. Then in JFBConnect, there should just be a few things to configure
* Autotune - run the Facebook app tab to in Autotune to make sure the Page Tab values are correct.
* In JFBConnect > Page Tab / Canvas, follow any errors/recommendations on the 'Application as Page Tab' tab.
* Go back into the Status Review and select the page tab.
Try this and let me know if you run into any problems.

2) And also would you check if the notes required for the publish_actions and user_status are ok?

I have updated the text for the publish_actions and user_status to provide more detail and make each specific to the permission being tested. The steps to test each permission is slightly different and Facebook requires detailed steps without having to guess exactly what to do. Try the submission with those and you can add more detail if needed.
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