× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon 500 error just in IE with core SEF

Support Specialist
15 years 1 month ago #694 by alzander
We're not sure where this issue is coming. We used the GoodReality site above to test, and were never able to get the redirect error (picture below as proof). We opened and closed both Firefox and IE7 multiple times, logged in and out repeatedly, and not once saw the issue. The fact that the pic shows us logged into both is proof enough that it does work (since FF doesn't know when IE's logged in and vice versa).


In other threads, it's been said that if you delete a user from the Joomla user interface, and don't delete them from the JFBConnect usermap, it can cause this issue. Can anyone experiencing this problem, please try any of the following:
1) Ensure that the JFBConnect Usermap table has the correct mapping for your user. Click on both the Joomla username (and ensure that account is correct) and the FB username goes to that persons profile correctly.
2) If this is setup correctly, and you still get the issue, try creating a NEW facebook account and logging in with that account to see if you still have the problem.

If you can narrow down the issue any more and give either things that you've done (changing user information, changing other settings, etc) that might have caused it or ways that it can easily be duplicated by others, we'll gladly investigate more. Unfortunately, we can't recreate this on our demo, development, or your sites.

Please let us know what you find out.
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15 years 1 month ago #695 by wall069
I have two identical sites (one is a copy of the other) both using JFBConnect. One site is fine the other is messed up. I did delete some jom social users from the database using php admin. The problems seemed to happen after that. I have reinstalled everything to do with JFBConnect but the problem persists.
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15 years 1 month ago #696 by Lee2008
I'm pretty close to getting this working... thanks for the <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="www.sitename.com">www.sitename.com & sitename.com re write tip, that solved other small issues as well.

I get a 500 error and the path given is
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="www.mysite.co.nz/component/jfbconnect/">www.mysite.co.nz/component/jfbconnect/

I use standard joom 1.5 SEF

Also i get this error displayed (twice) on the frontpage Module


Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/cashcow/public_html/modules/mod_jfbclogin/helper.php on line 26

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/cashcow/public_html/modules/mod_jfbclogin/helper.php on line 26
Welcome Lee McClelland

+++Are there any known conflicts with CB ?
Do we need to remove other login modules?
And finally..
If using CB like I am how do I set it up so new users can view their profile as it always shows an error saying:

This user has not yet confirmed his email address and account!
This user has not yet been approved by a moderator!

Thanks Lee.
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Support Specialist
15 years 1 month ago #700 by alzander
The notice you your getting is very helpful and could be very related to this issue. The line of code the error is coming up on is where the login module is trying to determine where to redirect the user.

Can you please go into the mod_jfbclogin module settings and try changing both the FB Login and Joomla Login redirects to a page, any page but the blank line or '- select item -'. Both of those should work, but lets try with a real menu item anyways.

Try logging in, and if you're still getting the Notice, let us know, because you shouldn't. For anyone else affected, could you please go to "Site->Global Configuration" and then in the "Server" tab set "Error Reporting" to maximum and see if you get this notice? If the redirect url is set improperly, I don't know what would happen, but wouldn't be surprised if it's something like this.

Also.. if the url is set properly in mod_jfbclogin, ensure that the menu item you're pointing to isn't unpublished, in the trash, or in some other way unreachable. In all, make sure you can get to that page by clicking the link in a menu from the front-end.

As for CB.. We really haven't tried the current released version of JFBC with CB, and don't know exactly what would happen. However, between you, me, and whoever else is reading this.. CB support is coming soon. We hope to have a release out within 2 weeks with similar capabilities to what's in JS now... this will be a test release, so we're not saying it will work 100%, but should overcome those issue you list.

For now though, can you check if in your Community Builder->Configuration / Registration tab, you have the following options set?
Require Admin Approval
Require Email Confirmation

If set to yes, then the behavior below is what I'd expect.
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15 years 1 month ago #704 by Lee2008
Thank you your reply was very helpful.
I can now join up using my FB account and it works well.

The only issue now is that users can not edit their own CB profiles or view them.
They are issued with an temporary email address but cannot change it.

Picture 185.png CB settings attached

Picture 183.png
CB user page attached, it see the user but does not validate it. Even though Joomla is fine with it.

I look forward to CB compatibility. Let me know when it is available.

Thanks Lee.
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15 years 3 weeks ago #754 by jchaclan
Hi, I've been testing this component and I think it's awesome. It really helps you a lot.
I also have the same problem that all this folks are commenting here.

I created a fresh new Joomla 1.5.9 installation to test this component before putting it on my real application. You can try it if you need to, and I can also provide you the admin password, so you can check inside the admin part. As I just said this is a dummy installation to test JFBConnect Component.

This is my installation <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="jchaclan.com/tarcom/">jchaclan.com/tarcom/

The first time that you log in, using your Facebook account it works just perfect. Then if you try to log in again, with the same Facebook account, it gives you the following errors.

On Firefox: Redirect Loop
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.

On Internet Explorer: 500 - View not found [name, type, prefix]: jfbconnect,html,jfbconnectView

On Safari: Safari can’t open the page.
Too many redirects occurred trying to open “jchaclan.com/tarcom/”. This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which then is redirected to open the original page.

I have already tried adding a "/" to the return value of this function getXDReceiverLink(), but as somebody says it didn't work on my application since it's located on a subfolder.

I'm really interested on this component. I'm able to try anything that you can recommend to make it works.

I was trying to follow the source code but I don't really understand how Joomla components work. I was wondering that the problem could be that the application is trying to re-log in when the user is already logged on. I was trying to place FB.Connect.ifUserConnect() as the show on this video but I was not able to do it. [url:12jusnzw]http&#58;//www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=630563174283[/url:12jusnzw]
I saw that if I disable the Facebook login module and then I refresh the page I get a lot of errors as you can see on this picture. That's why I think it's relogin many times. Well I don't want to sound like an expert, I just was wondering the solution. I really want to make this component/module working on my Joomla site.

I hope we can figure out a solution for this problem, if somebody wants to get on the admin part of my joomla test site. Just let me know so we can help each other. Thanks a lot for your help. ;)
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Support Specialist
15 years 3 weeks ago #768 by alzander
If you could PM me your site info (admin login/password), that would greatly help us to debug this issue.

We have a new (TEST) release coming out this week some nifty new features. Hopefully we can incorporate any bugfixes we find into a full release that's scheduled for next week.
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15 years 3 weeks ago #786 by jannyblack
I had the same errors and found the solution which works for me:

I activated the plugins!!! <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!-- s:oops: -->
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Support Specialist
15 years 3 weeks ago #795 by alzander
Oh.. yeah. Definitely activate the plugins. There are 2. In a future release (not this upcoming one), we're going to add checks in the component to tell you if everything's setup correctly (callback url, plugins, etc).

If you still have the issue, let us know!
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Support Specialist
15 years 2 weeks ago #887 by alzander
Thank you for sending me your login information. Your site is now working. The issue was that the two JFBConnect plugins were installed but not enabled.

If you are getting the infinite redirect error, this is the first thing that should be checked. Please make sure that both of the following plugins are enabled:
- Authentication - JFBConnect Facebook
- System - JFBConnect Namespace

Let me know if you continue to have issues. If anyone else is experiencing these problems and the above does not help, please send me a message with your site and login information so we can investigate your issue further.

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