Running into issues? While we have excellent support, should you need it, we always recommend checking out this list of common questions. With a little luck, and good work on our part, you'll find your answer right now!

Always ensure you're running the latest version of SCLogin, as this will solve many common issues. See the SCLogin changelog for the most recent version and fixes available.

The SCLogin module simply connects to the standard Joomla user component. The SCLogin module isn't a component by itself. When the user tries to login, we simply redirect them to the Joomla user component to process that login and, when it fails, Joomla redirects them to the standard Joomla login page. We don't have any control over that.

In general, all we can recommend is making sure the Joomla login area looks how you want it to look as many extensions will automatically redirect the user there, either when they try to access restricted content or like in this case with the SCLogin.

On, our Log In and Register links are not actually part of the menu. We are using the SCLogin as a module and displaying in a template position near the menu. The module has then been styled to have a consistent look with the menu and is set up to use the 'Modal Popup' view type and 'Text Links' to launch the modal.

Add a Menu Item

If you want to add the link as a menu item, we recommend using the Modules Anywhere extension to display the SCLogin module in your menu. For more information on Modules Anywhere, view the documentation found here. Joomlashack also offers a tutorial of setting up a menu item with a module found here. Choose an instance of SCLogin and use the ID of the SCLogin module instance in the menu item. Then simply configure your SCLogin module parameters to display a Modal Popup and decide on whether the Modal Style 'button' or 'text' fits in with your menu best. Additionally, if you want to customize the text of the link, you will need to edit the mod_sclogin language file for the following strings: MOD_SCLOGIN_LOGIN and MOD_SCLOGIN_REGISTER_FOR_THIS_SITE.

Add a Direct Link

However, if you already have the SCLogin module displaying on the page somewhere, you can add some code that will trigger its popup. You could even put the SCLogin module on the page and use some CSS to hide the normal "Login / Register" buttons that would show, so that you can use it's popup. To do this, you need to add the following link to your page:

<a class="btn btn-primary" href="#login-modal" data-toggle="sc-modal">Log In</a>

If you want to put the SCLogin on the page, but hide it's normal login/register buttons, use the following CSS:

.sourcecoast.sclogin-modal-links.sclogin { display: none;}

The normal "Logout" menu item in Joomla will redirect the user to the logout page where they need to click the logout button again. This can seem very clunky and awkward to your users. With the SCLogin module, you can create a Logout link that immediately logs the user out by using the following steps:

  1. In the menu manager, create a menu that will be displayed in SCLogin, usually not displayed on the page in any other template positions.
  2. In the menu manager, create a new "External Link" menu item in your menu.
  3. Set the title to "Logout" or whatever you want the display name to be.
  4. Set the "Link" value to "sclogout".
  5. In SCLogin > Logout View Settings, set "Show User Menu" to the menu from #1

That's it! The SCLogin module will detect that special external link type and make it into a direct, one-click logout link!

After users login to, the "My Account" menu will show links to any social networks they haven't linked their account to. To add the connection buttons to your site, follow these steps:

  1. In the menu manager, create a new "External Link" menu item.
  2. Set the title to "Connect to:" or whatever you want the display name to be.
  3. Set the "Link" value to "scconnect".

That's it! The SCLogin module will detect that special external link type and automatically display any social network icons that the user hasn't already linked their Joomla user account with. If the user has already connected to all configured social networks, nothing (not even the title) will display.

In most cases, this can be fixed by enabling the 'Load jQuery' options in JFBConnect or SCLogin. The action of the modal popping up requires specific javascript files to be loaded on the site before the pop up will work. If you're using SCLogin with JFBConnect, enable the 'Load jQuery / Bootstrap' option in the JFBConnect component. If you're using SCLogin as a standalone module, enable the 'Load jQuery' option in the SCLogin module Advanced section.

This is generally caused by caching in the SCLogin module. Try disabling the 'Caching' option in the SCLogin Advanced settings section.