Topic-icon JFBConnect 5.1 + jlinked 2.2.0 + jomsocial 3=how to add linkedin

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Just quick follow up question.for your post

just upgraded to the newest components. Can`t find out where jlinked can be added to jomsocial

I have been using template overwrite and have linkedin ( older image)
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without template overwrite

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how can we add correctly image

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Thank you
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Support Specialist
The LinkedIn login button should automatically show. However, it looks like one final checkin in JFBConnect never occurred.

The best/easiest way to get it to appear is to fix our mistake. To do so, please edit /components/com_jfbconnect/libraries/provider/facebook.php Around line 143, you'll see:
//if (SCSocialUtilities::isJLinkedInstalled())
            //$html .= '<div class="jLinkedLoginImage pull-left"><a class="show" id="sc_lilogin" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jlinked.login.login();"><img src="' . JURI::root() . 'media/sourcecoast/images/provider/button_linkedin.png" /></a></div>';
Uncomment those lines by removing the two // at the beginning of each. That will make the button show automatically like we meant to.

Sorry about that, and please let us know if that helps or you run into anything else.

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Thank you

Here is the prove

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Support Specialist
Awesome! Glad that helped. If you have any suggestions or feedback on our JomSocial integration, definitely let us know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

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should we also remove the // from this code infront of OAuth2 which is right under the linked in?
private function getLoginButtonJavascript($buttonSize = "medium", $showFaces = "false", $maxRows = '')


$perms = $this->profile->getRequiredScope();

if ($perms != "")

$perms = 'data-scope="' . $perms . '"'; // OAuth2 calls them 'scope' <
right there!!
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Support Specialist
No! That would cause problems. That // is for a 'comment' in the code to describe what is happening to anyone reading the code and 'un-commenting' that comment would cause the PHP to break.

Please only remove the // from the 2 lines noted in the above post.

We'll be pushing out a v5.1.1 release, planned for Friday, which will have this change as well as a few other bugs that have been found so far. Nothing major, thankfully, but a couple minor things we'd rather clean up sooner rather than later.

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