Topic-icon Use the 'intro image' as open graph default image

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Since I aded an image in my article content (directely in html code) for a ticketing link, my article shared in Facebook only gave me choice between this image and the default img set in the opengraph default configuration.

How can I make the article intro image used ?


example :
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Support Specialist
9 years 5 months ago #49131 by mel
First, enable the 'Open Graph - Content' plugin since it looks like you're probably using Joomla articles. Then go into JFBConnect > Open Graph > Objects and create a new object. Then make sure to set the category appropriately and select Image Type to be 'Article Intro Image'. When JFBConnect goes to add the Open Graph tags to the page, it will look at the object set up and set the og:tag according to this object.

Here's a screenshot of an example Joomla Article object in JFBConnect.
File Attachment:

Let me know if you continue to have problems after trying this suggestion.

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Works great ! Thanks a lot
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