Topic-icon Where to I Put Social Media Icons to Replace the JFBC Default Icons

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I want to replace the JFBConnect Icon set with icons designed to work with the scheme of the site, but I don't know where to put those such that JFBConnect will pick them up other than putting them in /media/sourcecoast/images/provider/name-of-social-media-provider/icon.png, icon-label.png

I wouldn't ask this except that JFBConnect threw a fatal error and I ended up with a website that consisted of a blank white page. So after a call to CloudAccess being told that JFBConnect was the culprit, I re-installed JFBConnect and everything returned to normal, but I lost my icons and .ini file label edits. JFBConnect doesn't seem to pick up language overrides when they are placed in /templates/911truthoutreach/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jfbconnect.ini or /templates/911truthoutreach/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_sclogin.ini., So I edited the /language/en-GB files directly.
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Support Specialist
We already had a discussion about the language files in another thread. Again, I don't think that method of language overrides still exists in Joomla 2.5 by default. The proper way to set overrides is to use the Language Manager -> Overrides area.

For custom images, you can drop any files into those /provider/<social network>/ directory and JFBConnect will pick them up and display them in the configuration area or in the SCLogin configuration area.. you can even use it in the {JFBCLogin..} tags if you need (just ask if you want to know more about this).

Finally, regarding the fatal error, that's very uncommon to get. If you have any information about the error message, we'd love to hear it as we always investigate fatal error to see if there's something we should be doing better.

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9 years 5 months ago - 9 years 5 months ago #49009 by webdevtim
Yes we did have that conversation about language overrides before and you informed me where the Joomla .ini file is so that I can correct for browser rendering errors. I should have used the Joomla Language Manager instead and then went into the Joomla .ini file and corrected for the browser rendering issue.

Just to confirm, the overrides are stored at /language/overrides/xx-XX/xx-XX.override.ini for each language. As long as there aren't too many overrides, this approach is OK, But if someone were to make comprehensive overrides to many of the token="string" pairs in many languages in many of the components, modules and plugins, this would quickly get unwieldy. It would have been better to create directories or folders for each of the component, module and plugin text file language overrides just as in /language/xx-XX/ in order to preserve some kind of order in the event that particular edits needed to be made in the case I presented. And it is usually much faster to edit a text file than it is to go through a user interface, especially if you are using something like SublimeText III that flags errors very effectively. But this prevents typos from bringing down the system, I guess.

Sorry I mentioned this, because that was just an observation of the fact that since I edited the language file directly I lost my edits I wasn't thinking when I asked this queston a second time. But thanks for reminding me again.

What I really wanted to know is where I put custom icon.png and icon-label.png files for each of the Social Media providers such that they are picked up by JFBConnect and used instead of the standard JFBConnect Social Media icon images.

As far as the fatal error I will look at the logs and find it and then send it your way, I guess through this thread.
Last edit: 9 years 5 months ago by webdevtim.
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Support Specialist

What I really wanted to know is where I put custom icon.png and icon-label.png files for each of the Social Media providers such that they are picked up by JFBConnect and used instead of the standard JFBConnect Social Media icon images.

As Alex stated "For custom images, you can drop any files into those /provider/<social network>/ directory and JFBConnect will pick them up and display them in the configuration area or in the SCLogin configuration area".

I just wanted to add to make sure you use different names for your files than icon and icon_label because as you are aware they will get overwritten on upgrade. Additionally, once you do add your files, you will have to make a couple of changes in your JFBConnect configuration:
1. In the JFBConnect > Configuration > PROVIDER_NAME tab for each provider you support, set the 'Default Login Button' to your new file.
2. If you are using SCLogin, in Social Button Settings, you will need to set new Image Style options for each provider if you are using the 'Social Login Buttons' custom option.

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Thank you Melissa, and Thank you again Alex.

Sorry for being such a pain, but I have been working such long hours that at times I can't even remember my own name.

But I will implement your suggestions today. I am happy to know that JFBConnect provided this avenue for customization.

Oh yes one thing that wasn't mentioned and that is that there is a language/xx-XX/override.ini file in both the site side and the admin side that need to be edited if the labels are going to be the same in admin as they are on the site.

By the way, Kieth at CloudAccess says that you are a great company and really great to work with and that I would have no trouble identifying the cause of that fatal error by working with you guys.

Oh yes those log files that show the fatal error, I will hunt that down and get it to you today as well.
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9 years 5 months ago - 9 years 5 months ago #49025 by webdevtim
About the Error Logs

Unfortunately, I didn't have error logs turn on for our website on the server, so all I have is an empty error log file right now. I will query Kieth at CloudAccess and see if he made a note of the error and if he can send me a copy of what was contained in the log. Also it will take many minutes for the log to be populated, so I will look at them tomorrow and see if I can find that error.

By the way I implemented the overrides as you suggested and everything works beautifully. I have the new icons displayed in the admin interface with radio buttons.

Thanks a million.
Last edit: 9 years 5 months ago by webdevtim.
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I'm likewise lost as to where to look for the images should I want to update the icons displayed throughout the site, especially on the Soc Find Us app. If I wanted to customize the icons for the various social networks, where do I replace the files. . .or begin to look for them?
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The images are kept in /media/sourcecoast/images/provider/ there are ten folders in that directory , amazon, facebook, github, google, instagram, linkedin, meetup, twitter, vk, windowslive. In each of these folders are two image files, icon.png and icon_label.png. these are the simple icon buttons with the Social Media provider logo and the longer button with the Social Media provider logo and the name of the provider.

If you want to install your own set of icons then you need to create icons with the same dimensions as the JFBConnect default icons and you have to give them a different name, like mysite_icon.png and mysite_icon_label.png; the name of each of hte icon image files for each of the providersd have to be the same, just use the same directory structure on your local computer as JFBConnect uses in /media/sourcecoast/provider to keep them from getting mixed up. You have to do this for each of the Social Media providers that you want custom icons for.

As per Melissa, you then need to do the following:

Additionally, once you do add your files, you will have to make a couple of changes in your JFBConnect configuration:
1. In the JFBConnect > Configuration > PROVIDER_NAME tab for each provider you support, set the 'Default Login Button' to your new file.
2. If you are using SCLogin, in Social Button Settings, you will need to set new Image Style options for each provider if you are using the 'Social Login Buttons' custom option.

After you have uploaded your new custom Social Media icons as described above, you will see them listed when you go to JFBConnect > Configuration > Amazon, Facebook, GitHub, Instagram, LinkedIn, Meetup, Twitter, VK and Windows Live, provided you made icons for each one of these.

Also when you go to the module, SCLogin, you will also see the new items displayed with radio buttons by each. Simply select the new icons by clicking the radio buttons and refresh your browser, and your new icons should now be displayed.

This is a really slick feature of JFBConnect.
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Support Specialist
Thanks so much for that description of the login button overrides. This is a newer feature of JFBConnect that we hadn't had a chance to document yet, so I've added your text to a documentation page at

Regarding the error log, it's good to turn it on, but I wouldn't be too worried about spending so much time tracking down the log for this case. If you encounter a fatal error right after installation that is fixed by reinstalling, it generally indicates that the original installation or upgrade didn't work properly. If you do happen to get the log, feel free to forward it though.

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Here isa screen shot of the result of adding the icon image files as described:
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