Topic-icon Joomla User Profile Fields Not Showing on Registration Page

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  1. First, com_users/model/forms/profile.xml, is identical to com_jsn/model/forms/profile.xml
  2. there is a com_users/model/forms/registration.xml file, but I can't find the EasyProfile equivalent. The com_users/model/forms/registration.xml file is identical to profile.xml

I will let you know what I find out as I find this out.

I see that there are fields added in User Management Facebook ID, Twitter ID, Google Plus ID, and LinkedIn ID and I believe that these are added by EasyProfile.

I think I am just going to go with this, the formatting that I applied to the Joomla registration and user profile edit form are applied here because EasyProfile uses the same class and id names. As I understand more I will deal with getting the EasyProfile Social Media ids fields populated with what JFBConnect returns from querying the user's Social Media accounts.

I think I am going to start building my own online community because of the problems with the main stream Social Media offerings. Jacob Applebaum has said FaceBook should be called StasiBook. Tor is starting to look interesting and I have downloaded Jitsi to replace Skype.

I really look to the Open source community to carry the day in hte area of our ability to communicate with each other going forward.
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