Topic-icon Social sharing not showing properly

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9 years 7 months ago #47323 by fb_710072567

The social shring plugin is showing code instead of buttons. How can I fix this?

It shows on fe:

{JLinkedShare href= layout=box_count showzero=0 key=}{SCTwitterShare href= layout=box_count key=}{SCGooglePlusOne href= layout=box_count width= key=}


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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #47337 by alzander
I'm unsure why that's happening. Did this start after you upgraded to 6.2.0, or was it an issue with 6.1.2 as well?

What I'd recommend is:
1) Go to the Joomla Cache Manager and clear all caches
2) Try re-ordering the JFBCSystem plugin so that it's ordered first or ordered last (but before any caching plugins you may have enabled) and see if that helps
3) In the JFBConnect -> Social -> Misc area, check that there is no "Admin Render Key" set.

Let me know about the above, and we'll gladly help get things going however we can.

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9 years 7 months ago #47348 by fb_710072567
Hi Alex,

I've updated the component, but never used the social sharing option. I wanted to start using it now because of the Alpha user option. I've tried the following:
1) Go to the Joomla Cache Manager and clear all caches
Cleared all cache. I don't use the core cache options, but flushed all the cache.
2) Try re-ordering the JFBCSystem plugin so that it's ordered first or ordered last (but before any caching plugins you may have enabled) and see if that helps
Tried first and last. No effect.
3) In the JFBConnect -> Social -> Misc area, check that there is no "Admin Render Key" set.
I don't have this key set.

Any more options?


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9 years 7 months ago #47374 by toolkit
I, too, am having similar issues after upgrading to JFBConnect 6.2.1. Both the JFBLike and JFBFan modules are displaying code only. See home page of

I tried these steps listed below and it had no effect on my site either.
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #47378 by alzander
We're investigating, but think we've narrowed down the cause. We'll update you with a code fix shortly.

In the meantime, there are 2 things that should fix things:
* If you're not adding any tags on your own and just using our modules or content plugin, set the "Admin Render Key" setting to anything, like "hi". The problem only occurs when that setting is blank. If you have other tags that you've added manually, those will break, unless you add the proper key to them.
* Toolkit - if you're using the older JFBCLike and JFBCFan modules, you should switch to the SC Social Widget. The SC Social Widget doesn't have this problem when creating widgets and is the new/correct way to add widgets in v6.1 and higher. You can create any of the previous JFBCxxx modules using it, it has a better interface, and more standardized output, which is better for styling. You can safely uninstall the JFBCLike, JFBCFan, JFBCComments, etc modules from your site after you've moved any of those instances to the SC Social Widget

Again, we'll have a code fix shortly, and sorry for the troubles.

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9 years 7 months ago #47381 by toolkit
I probably am still using the older modules. Will give that a try. Thanks!
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #47383 by alzander
Yeah, I mentioned that because you said "Both the JFBLike and JFBFan modules". Those are the old module names.

Again, this is definitely a bug on our end in certain cases, but the above steps should minimize the chances of you running into those cases until 6.2.2 is available or we provide the code here (if it's a simple fix... still investigating).

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9 years 7 months ago #47386 by toolkit
Sounds like I should uninstall those old modules. I have been trying to configure SCSocial FindUs, which works ok except that every time I try to place the module in a template position (JoomlaXTC Template), it "magically" changes position to the same position, but listed under Custom.

Not sure if this is due to JFBConnect 6.2.1 or not though.
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #47388 by alzander
Alright.. here's the minor code change to fix the problem if you're affected. Again, this will be in the 6.2.2 release, but we're not planning to release that for at least a few more days, unless a critical issue comes along that necessitates a quicker release. The change is in the /libraries/sourcecoast/easyTags.php file. Around line 42, you'll see:
if ($check == $renderKey)
                        $hasRenderKey = true;
                        $foundIndex = $i;
Update that to:
if($check == false && $renderKey == '')
                        //Render key is blank, but a key is not really set, even though key= is present in the tag
                        $hasAKey = false;
                        $foundIndex = $i;
                    else if ($check == $renderKey)
                        $hasRenderKey = true;
                        $foundIndex = $i;

I'm not sure what you mean by:

it "magically" changes position to the same position, but listed under Custom.

Can you explain what is changing position and how you see that? Is that in the module manager, on your page, or in the module edit area that you're seeing the position as 'custom' incorrectly?
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9 years 7 months ago #47391 by toolkit
When I select a module position, specifically for the template I'm using, once I click save or save and close, the position gets reverted to a custom spot. I definitely need to read more about the new widgets, but I don't believe I've had this kind of problem when saving a module. Here again, I have yet to uninstall the old modules, so maybe that's what is happening. I have a lot of reading to do on the newest version of JFBConnect.
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