Topic-icon Questions related to styling & publishing of buttons. +Multilingual

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Hey Alex & SC team.
I have some questions about styling of buttons, multilingual buttons with writing on them, manual buttons via html.

Question 1: Is there a way to have multiple buttons for different languages with writing on them saying: Login with Facebook. (Look at how EasySocial does their buttons, they are styled with css, rather than an image... so text can be changed)

Question 2: Is there a way to publish buttons with different styles. (Look at on the header I have a custom styled button attached to JFBConnect and in the slider I have a custom styled button that currently isn't linked up to anything yet, but I hope to somehow link up to JFBConnect)

Question 3: Is there a way to publish buttons via html or url (I want to add a login button to LayerSlider and I have the option of a URL or HTML code)

Question 4: Is there a way to make SCLogin only use 1 login option, even if multiple login options are configured in the backend? (Basically I want a facebook button on header, but I want multiple buttons in the body)
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Support Specialist
Multi-lingual buttons is an area where we know we need to fix. Your honestly the first to ask us to fix it and we're surprised others haven't. Part of the reason, we believe, is because the icon logo (just the 'f') is so recognizable. Similarly with the other logo buttons without any text. With that said:
1) No, right now, there's no text-type buttons built-in to JFBConnect that you can use...
2) Yes! There are multiple ways to do this:
a) If you're using the SCLogin module or any of the auto-added buttons (like to the Joomla or EasySocial registration pages), you can use your own custom buttons. To add new buttons, add them to the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider/<social_network>/ directory. In there are already icon.png and button.png. You can add as many other options as you want. Then, in the JFBConnect -> Configuration -> Facebook area, you can set the default that's used for any auto-added buttons. In the SCLogin module, you can also select your own custom button that you've uploaded.
b) You can easily create your own links:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jfbc.login.provider('facebook');">
            <img src="/media/sourcecoast/images/provider/facebook/icon_label.png" />
You can use an img tag or text in there, or whatever else you want. That's how our tags work already.. they generated (basically) that HTML above. You can just change the jfbc.login.provider('facebook') to 'google' or 'linkedin' for any other provider
c) You can use our {JFBCLogin} tag to specify the providers and images to use:
{JFBCLogin providers=facebook,linkedin image=custom.png text=Login with}
That will show:
Login with <Facebook> <LinkedIn>
Where <Facebook> is the /media/sourcecoast/images/provider/facebook/custom.png file and LinkedIn is similar. That tag can be used anywhere you add HTML to your page (module, component, template, etc)

3) See above

4) In the Social configuration tab, there's a "Providers" input box. Just add "facebook" there and that's the only one that will show.

I hope that all helps, but if you have any questions, let me know. We have a lot of flexibility in how you can add buttons. A bit of that was added in the 6.1 release though, so it's not fully documented as well as we'd like.

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Ah sweet, this helped a lot!

and yeah, I get that most people recognize the buttons... but without text to me they look like sharing buttons or facebook fan page button or something. It isn't clear that it is login.
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Support Specialist
Understood. That's why the {JFBCLogin text=xyz} tag exists, so that you can add text. Looking at the SCLogin module, it seems like we don't have a way to add a pre-text to the social login buttons specifically.. though you can add an intro in general, like "Login below with your account or a social network".

There won't be any changes for this in the 6.2 release, but we have a few overhaul plans for 6.3 to make things simpler. We'll see if we can add a text-overridable social login button as well.

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