Topic-icon Joomla 3.3 and Jomsocial - autopost to facebook fails

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10 years 2 weeks ago - 10 years 2 weeks ago #43621 by kstockl
Hi Alex
after update to Joomla 3.3 and Jomsocial I tested the system enviroment at my Alpha Site a very long time and had a correspondence with Jomsocial about Facebook autopost.

Fact is afte this testings:
With JFBConnect article from Joomla articles are beeing posted when a user comments on an article.
But when an user posts a status in Jomsocial then this wan´t be shown in facebook.

Furhter I tested the Jomsocial by switching to the built in Facebook Connect function. With this settings the statuses post are being sent to Facebook.

There must have been made some changes with the new Jomsocial version.
Or maybe I made some settings? I don´t know :-( I´m confusing at the moment...

Alex, can you look at my site if this is a vesions conflict or settings error by me?

Ps: I sent you pm with login details

Cheers, Karl
Last edit: 10 years 2 weeks ago by kstockl.
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Hi alex,

any news about that?

Regards, Karl
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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delay. We ran into some other issues this last week that tied us up a little more than expected. I just got into your site and tested. My status wasn't posted back to Facebook either.

From the Joomla admin area, there's only so much we can do. Is it possible to send us FTP or some other credentials that we can use to access the file system? We'll need to diagnose where the issue is coming from, and having file access will make that much easier. There's a few other minor JomSocial issues we're currently looking into right now and would love to be able to diagnose this at the same time.

We're not sure if this is a JomSocial 3.2.x thing or what, but will gladly help however we can.

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Hi Alex,
I did a new Installation with only Joomla 3.3, JFBConnect 6.0.5 and Jomsocial


I sent you the FTP Access via PM.

Thank´s for looking into it.

Best regards,Karl
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Support Specialist
Thanks so much for your patience. Posting to Facebook is working on your new site. There looks to have been an update in how JomSocial passes the privacy parameter to us. Because of that change, we were rejecting all posts by assuming the privacy restrictions were not 'Public'.

To fix on your other site, please edit the /plugins/socialprofiles/jomsocial/jomsocial.php file. At the bottom, you'll see the checkPrivacy function. Please replace that whole function with the following code:
protected function checkPrivacy($level = PRIVACY_PUBLIC)
        $privacy = null;
        $arg1 = JRequest::getVar('arg1');
        $arg1 = json_decode($arg1);
        $args = rawurldecode($arg1[1]);
        $args = json_decode($args);
        if (isset($args->privacy)) // JomSocial < 3.2(?) way
            $privacy = $args->privacy;
        else // JomSocial 3.2+ way
            $arg3raw = JRequest::getVar('arg3');
            $arg3filtered = substr($arg3raw, strpos($arg3raw, '{'), strpos($arg3raw, '}') - strpos($arg3raw, '{') + 1);
            $arg3 = json_decode($arg3filtered);
            if (isset($arg3->privacy))
                $privacy = $arg3->privacy;

        if ($privacy && ($privacy <= $level))
            return true;
            return false;
I hope that gets you going, but if you run into anything else, just let me know!

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Hi Alex,
thank´s a lot for getting this function running.
You get a *********star Rating for your great fast and superior Support.

If I find something else I will contact you again ;-)

With best regards from Austria,
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Support Specialist
I'm so glad to hear we could help get you going, and sorry it took a few days to locate the cause and provide a solution. Of course, if you do run into anything else, absolutely let us know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

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Hello Alex,
me again. As told, the status posting is working wel.

But my other problem is the google+ Login. I opened a thread a few days ago.
Here the link:

Please take a look into it. If Itry to login with google Account I´m redirected to blank page.
When you login in as admin in the backend you´ll find my google AppID and SecetKey.

Thank´s for helping to resolve this problem too. I f you need any other account like my googel account pleaselet me know.

Ps: Alex, I reviewed for JFBConnect as kstockl on 2014-04-11 :-)
As I wrote in the title, there are excellent components and extennsions for joomla.
JFBC from sourcecoast is one of that componentes which made my live easier.
And big thank´s to the excellent support. If there are any troubles with changes with the facebook api (and the are very often), Alzandar helps to resolve issues very fast.
The component is worth is cent and compatible with other components. Is use at my site - JFBC for social connect togehter with Jomsocial, K2 and Reviews for Joomla. And these components plays together like a charm.

Greets, Karl
Cheers, Karl
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