Topic-icon New Facebook user but no new user account admin email

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I've observed that if a new user registers a new account on my forum using the Facebook method then the site admin doesn't receive a notification email that a new user account is waiting to be activated. If they choose to register using the normal (non-social method) then a notification email gets sent to the site admin as normal. Any ideas why this may be occurring?

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Support Specialist
In the JFBConnect -> Configuration area, make sure the "Send New User Email" setting is "Yes". If so, can you let me know what the "Skip Joomla Activation" setting is and what other extensions you're integrating with, if any (CB, JomSocial, EasySocial, etc).

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Active Subscriptions:

Send new user email is set to 'YES'

Skip Joomla activation is set to 'NO'

I don't have any other extensions integrating with the sign in process.

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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delay. We haven't heard of this issue before, and will need to investigate your configuration further. Can you Private Message me super admin details so we can create our own super admin user with our email address and test what happens when we try to register? I'm pretty sure you've PM'd me details before, but we try not to keep those in our inbox forever, for obvious security reasons.

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