Topic-icon Social Button Position, Profile Updates with EasySocial and Menu Login

Support Specialist
First, I'm very, very sorry for not getting back to this, or your PM, sooner.

The information above, and your support questions to StackIdeas, have been very helpful for them and us. There's been a few times when I've started to take the code changes above and create a new document for it on our site so that others could do the same. As you've found though, it's pretty tedious work and not a lot of fun.

I'm happy to say that in an upcoming release of EasySocial, they will have some basic JFBConnect functionality built-in. With a flip of a switch, the social login features you've configured in JFBConnect will be added to the EasySocial registration / login areas you show above. It still may need some customization or may be missing in some specific section, but it should be a lot closer to what our users would want immediately.

I can't say exactly when the release will be because they're still testing and implementing some things, but from what I can tell, I don't think it should be long.. as in, over the next few weeks, not months.

Of course, when that release comes out, if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement for integration or JFBConnect in general, we'd always love to hear it.

Thanks again, and best of luck,
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10 years 1 month ago - 10 years 1 month ago #42504 by DealTheNuts
Not a problem at all about delay Alex and I am glad the information was useful.

The Guide was updated today for EasySocial 1.2.3 and a link is provided in this JFBConnect forum post , I should have made the post in this thread, no idea why I opened a new one.... =(

The latest releases of EasySocial and JFBConnect are excellent, allowing a smooth update of the guide and a single image of all layouts (except JReviews which is similar to the image in the post above) is attached below.

It is good to hear there is some built-in functionality in future releases of JFBConnect and EasySocial, they work well together and I look forward to seeing the results.

I know, having been involved in the EasySocial beta tests, there is a large amount of work going on behind the scenes and I will certainly provide feedback etc when the new releases come out.
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Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by DealTheNuts.
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Support Specialist
I hadn't even seen your other post when I responded here.. we were just crossing paths on the same topic at the same time.

I'm going to read over those docs and see what can be picked out and made into a more formal document on our site. Thanks so much for your effort and time in sharing this information back with us!

The JReviews stuff is definitely interesting as well. We have plans to add more integration with them in the near future for more Open Graph Actions and posting to channels. It's always good to get an idea of the combination of extensions our user's are using.

Thanks again,
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Mark from Stackideas has now added a fix in this thread to the problem with auto integration of JFBConnect buttons (added in v1.2.4 yesterday) and it will be included in v1.2.5, probably coming out in the next few days.

There is now auto integration of JFBConnect Social Buttons with EasySocial in the following Menus:


The Quick Registration Module will be included soon.

It means the manual integration for these 3 options can be removed from the word doc, leaving Quick Reg Module, Komento, EasyDiscuss and JReviews.

Image of new layout in Purity 3 template below:

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