Topic-icon Problem with the avatar import in JomSocial (Google function)

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Hi Alex,

Thank you for your help. Unfortunately I have not found the error and sorry for the late reply.
I would like once again to thank you for the great help. As soon I have more time, I will again seek a solution. It would be possible that it is up to the account settings of the user.
In the meantime, I have performed an update to the new version of JFBConnect. Unfortunately, this error is but very persistent.
As soon I find a solution or the cause know I will notify you.

Many thanks and best regards from Berlin

It a great extension and a great job.

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Hello Team SourceCoast Web Development thank you for great Support!
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Support Specialist
No problem for the support. If you make any progress, definitely let us know what you find. If you can't get it going, let us know that too. We may ask you to send us the credentials from a Twitter or Google+ account that doesn't work and then dig into what's happening with that specific account. So, don't pull your hair out too much.. we'll gladly help however we can.

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