Topic-icon Email on FB registration not sent

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When one wants to register through FB, I notice that a record is created in #__users and one in #__joo_jfbconnect_user_map.

I see this message in Joomla on registration: "Your account has been created and an activation link has been sent to the email address you entered. Note that you must activate the account by clicking on the activation link when you get the email before you can login. Facebook profile successfully connected."

However, no email is sent. I am testing with a gmail account. There is nothing in the spam folder... nothing at all anywhere. So, the user does not even become aware of his username.

How to I troubleshoot/fix this?
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Support Specialist
10 years 5 months ago #39446 by alzander
The email is sent by Joomla itself. Are you receiving other emails sent by Joomla, like the New User admin notification? Even then, that may be going through while the other isn't if it's to a different mail address.

With different configurations of SPF keys, domain keys and other spam prevention, some mail is deleted before it even makes it into your spam box.

I'd recommend:
* Trying to register from a different email domain
* Changing the "Mailer" in Joomla from SMTP to PHP (or vice versa), to see if the mailer subsystem helps the issue

Keep me posted if you can't get things going. We'll gladly test on your site, but every case of an email not being sent in the past has been due to server configurations (either not actually sending or not being configured as a valid sender).

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10 years 5 months ago #39530 by everburninglight
The strange thing is that every other email is sent correctly from Joomla to the same gmail account I was testing with. Normal registration, email reset, username retrieval, all works perfectly. The only email that is not sent is when one register through the Facebook button.

As a note, before I applied the fixes I sent you, just on the first registration from Facebook, I got an email. Strangely, I registered through the English site and the email came in Portuguese. After that, I fixed the code, deleted the user account and the #__joo_jfbconnect_user_map entry. Tried again many times, but could never get an email sent again. I touched nothing in the email area, so I don't think my fixes caused that behavior.
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10 years 5 months ago #39551 by everburninglight
By the way, cannot you provide a way to re-send the activation email (same way it happens with username or password retrieval)? When you register through FB, there is no way for the user to know his username or be able to get a new mail.
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Support Specialist
10 years 5 months ago #39619 by alzander
We think we just found the issue here. If you have the "Send New User Emails" setting disabled in JFBConnect, that was preventing *all* new user emails from being set. The next release will properly send the new user activation email in the case that a) you have activation enabled, b) don't have JFBConnect skipping activation, and c) regardless of the "Send New User Email" setting.

Let me know if that seems like the likely cause for you. That setting should basically just be 'on' for now if you require activation to make sure it's properly sent.

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10 years 5 months ago - 10 years 5 months ago #39658 by SteelMan
Hi Alex. I bought the latest version today and installed. All good for the most part. But it will not send email on registration to either me or the end user.

I have turned auto-reg off, although I would like it on and both still get email - I want to know when someone has registered even if it requires no action on my part, and I have it set to send user emails.

Please advise.

-- Randy

It was on topic as I was looking for solution, so hope this is not considered a hijack.
Last edit: 10 years 5 months ago by SteelMan.
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Support Specialist
10 years 5 months ago #39660 by alzander
If you upgraded to Joomla 3.2.0, you may be affected by a bug in Joomla itself. You can read more about it in this Joomla forum thread . The simple solution is to go into the Global Configuration area of Joomla and simply apply settings (if that doesn't work, try to change the mailer setting to something else, save, and revert it back again).

Let me know if that helps. We're not aware of any other email issues, but will gladly help to keep investigating if necessary.

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10 years 5 months ago #39670 by everburninglight
That did it! Now I get emails.

However, when the activation email is sent, the auto-generated userid is missing. When one clicks on the link and activates the account, the account is activated successfully, but no option was given to the user to choose a password.

Result, an account is created and activated without the user knowing his userid and password. How can the email be altered to include userid and password info?

If it helps, I enabled "Automatically Link Users by Email".
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Support Specialist
10 years 5 months ago #39676 by alzander
Once activated, the user can login with their social network credentials regardless of their username.

As for the activation email, the username and password for the account will be included if you have the "Generate Random Password" setting "enabled". Without that, the user won't have a password for their account.

If you want, you can edit the strings that are used for the email in our /language/en_GB/en_GB.com_jfbconnect.ini language file. The main strings to look at are:

I hope that helps,
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10 years 5 months ago #39682 by everburninglight
Thank you, I understand now how it works. I obtained what I wanted with the "Generate Random Password" setting.
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