Topic-icon jfbcomments K2 Category View on Leading Items only?

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10 years 8 months ago #36257 by jayw
Can I restrict the "FB comments" and the "FB Like" buttons to the leading items only in K2 category views?

i.e., do not display primary and secondary items.

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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #36278 by alzander
We don't have a setting for that right now, and I don't know off the top of my head how easy, or difficult, that would be. It's a good idea though. I'm assuming you'd still want them on the full view article, regardless (or at least, there are configuration options that work for the full view how you want)?

I'll have to look into this, and it may take a few days. Feel free to bump this message back up at the end of the week as well, just in case.

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10 years 8 months ago #36304 by jayw

alzander wrote: . . . . I'm assuming you'd still want them on the full view article, regardless (or at least, there are configuration options that work for the full view how you want)?

http:// bayleafmarket dot com /?wakulla=1/specials

Yes to both.

1. Here's an example where I post a daily special. The category is set to 1 leading article, 1 column with full text, medium image, etc. I want the "like" and the comments to display for it but all of the primaries and secondaries (special offers from the previous day) are set to two columns, small images, 50 words of text.

2. I want the options to display or not on the article displays.
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10 years 7 months ago #36454 by jayw
Hey Alex,

Polite bump.

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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #36677 by alzander
Yeesh! Very sorry for the delay in getting back to this. I have a simple solution that should work for you, but it took some time to set aside to debug what could be done. The change is in the /plugins/content/jfbccontent.php file. Around line 53, you'll see:
if ($view == 'item' || $view == 'itemlist' || $view == 'latest') //K2
Change that to:
if ($view == 'item' || ($view == 'itemlist' && $article->itemGroup == 'leading') || $view == 'latest') //K2
Obviously test, alot, and let me know if that works for you or if you run into any issues.

Best of luck, and thanks for your patience,
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10 years 7 months ago #36714 by jayw
Thanks Alex,

It seems to work fine.

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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #36719 by alzander
Awwwesssome! Sorry again about the delay on that. We're looking to implement a new social sharing system altogether. However, it likely won't be until the v5.3 release (around the end of this year) that we'd have the new system ready. Until then, you may need to make this change with each new release. With the new system, I can see having an option for "Show in leading, primary, secondary" as that will be easier to manage when implemented.

Either way, I hope that helps, and keep me posted if you have any other issues.

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