Topic-icon No indicates that the user is already connected through Facebook.

Active Subscriptions:

Hello, I'm installing the extension but apparently I have a problem with the button 'Login with Facebook', I give click, the window of the app permission to believe in Fb and after that, it does nothing. No indicates that the user is already connected through Facebook. I hope you can help me. Thank you :/
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Support Specialist
I just tried to go to the page you ran Autotune from. The page looks to be in Offline mode, so I can't test. Can you let me know when the site is available and we can test then? There's likely some configuration or Javascript issue wrong, which is usually easy to diagnose, we just need to see the problem to provide an answer.

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Active Subscriptions:

I went to start the 'AutoTune' and the tab 'Page Tab' tells me this error 'Default Page Tab Name', could you tell me what it is?

The statistics of the app identifies the beginning of my tests but I still get the error login button.
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Active Subscriptions:

In this picture tells me that the app are taking my Fb data but the button does not change.

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Support Specialist

I went to start the 'AutoTune' and the tab 'Page Tab' tells me this error 'Default Page Tab Name', could you tell me what it is?

The Page Tab Default Name is the title of the Page Tab when it's displayed on your Page. When you add your Application to a Facebook Page, it shows in the bottom right of your cover photo area. The Default Name is the title that will be displayed below your icon (Photos, Likes, etc are other Page Tabs).

As for your picture, the button won't change at that point because the user isn't logged in yet. After the user fills out that registration form, they will be logged into Joomla and then the Login with Facebook button will change to a "Logout" button.

If you don't want a registration form for users, you can switch the "Registration Mode" to "Automatic" in JFBConnect. Then, when they click the Login with Facebook button, their Joomla account will automatically be created and they will be logged in without having to fill out any forms.

Hope that helps,
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