Topic-icon JFBConnect and EasySocial integration issues

Active Subscriptions:

4 years 1 week ago - 3 years 11 months ago #66269 by skyiron
I recently contacted EasySocial’s Developers about the following problems

Issue 1
Regardless of the settings I use in EasySocial (Administrator -> Components -> EasySocial -> Users -> Profile Types -> Registration

File Attachment:

If the user registers using the social buttons with JFBConnect they get an email saying that their account is pending approval.

File Attachment:

The EasySocial developer told me that

DEVELOPER wrote: The reason you keep receiving the moderation email notification is because the jfbconnect integration plugin doesn't pass in the correct data. I’ve tracked it down and fixed it. This is the file I modified JoomlaFolder/plugins/socialprofiles/easysocial/easysocial.php

I'm having trouble attaching that file to this post.

EDIT: With the above patch applied, when the profile type "Single Sign On Registration Type" is set to "Require user activation", it doesn't show the activation code in the email.

File Attachment:

Is there some way we can fix this?

Issue 3
Single Sign On Registration Type- Require User Activation only seems to trigger when the Profile Type matches the default Profile Type in the JFBConnect configuration.
Could you confirm this to be the case?

File Attachment:

Is there any way to have it work when there are multiple profile types?
On my site, I have 2 basic profile types - students and teachers, so I’m wondering if it is possible to have JFBConnect respect the registration settings set in EasySocial when choosing something other than the default profile type.
Last edit: 3 years 11 months ago by skyiron.
The topic has been locked.
Active Subscriptions:

4 years 1 week ago - 4 years 1 week ago #66270 by skyiron
Here is the patched code for issue 1 for file JoomlaFolder/plugins/socialprofiles/easysocial/easysocial.php
 * @package         JFBConnect
 * @copyright (c)   2009-2019 by SourceCoast - All Rights Reserved
 * @license GNU/GPL
 * @build-date      2020/02/13

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');


class plgSocialProfilesEasysocial extends SocialProfilePlugin
    var $_profileType = null;

    function __construct(&$subject, $params)
        $this->displayName = "EasySocial";
        // Setup the file paths that detect if this component is actually installed.
        // Needed before calling the parent constructor
        $this->_componentFolder = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_easysocial';

        parent::__construct($subject, $params);

        $this->defaultSettings->set('import_avatar', '1');
        $this->defaultSettings->set('import_always', '0');
        $this->defaultSettings->set('import_cover_photo', '1');
        $this->defaultSettings->set('import_status', '1');
        $this->defaultSettings->set('registration_show_fields', '0'); //0=None, 1=Required, 2=All
        $this->defaultSettings->set('imported_show_fields', '0'); //0=No, 1=Yes
        $this->defaultSettings->set('profiletype_visible', '0');
        $this->defaultSettings->set('profiletype_default', '0');

        // Set this for allowing registration through this component
        include_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php');
        $this->registration_url = FRoute::registration();

        $this->_importEnabled = true; // This plugin has a method to transfer existing facebook connections over to JFBConnect

    function socialProfilesSendsNewUserEmails()
        return true;

    // Query must return at least id, name
    protected function getProfileFields($profileId = null)
        require_once(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php');
        if (!$profileId)
            $model = Foundry::model('profiles');
            $profileTypes = $model->getProfiles();
            $profileTypes = array();
            $p = Foundry::table('Profile');
            $profileTypes[] = $p;
        $supportedFields = array( /*'address', */
            'birthday', /*'country',*/
            'datetime', 'email', 'gender', 'textarea', 'textbox', 'url');
        $fields = array();

        $fieldsModel = Foundry::model('Fields');
        foreach ($profileTypes as $p)
            $pFields = $fieldsModel->getCustomFields(array('profile_id' => $p->id));

            foreach ($pFields as $field)
                if (in_array($field->element, $supportedFields))
                    $new = new stdClass();
                    $new->id = $field->id;
                    $new->name = JText::_($field->title) . ' (' . $p->title . ')';
                    $new->type = $field->element;
                    $fields[] = $new;
        return $fields;

    public function prefillRegistration()
        $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
        if ($input->getCmd('option') == 'com_easysocial')
            if ($input->getCmd('view') == 'registration')
                require_once(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php');

                // Load up necessary model and tables.
                $registration = Foundry::table('Registration');
                $session = JFactory::getSession();

                // Purge expired session data for registrations.
                $model = Foundry::model('Registration');

//                if (!$registration->load($session->getId()))
//                {
                // Method of loading a registration object was changed to (pretty much always) return true in ES1.2, so we need to query the db directly now
                $query = $this->db->getQuery(true);
                    ->where('session_id=' . $this->db->q(JFactory::getSession()->getId()));
                $cnt = $this->db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
                if ($cnt == 0)
                    if ($input->getCmd('task') == 'selectType')


                $step = $input->getCmd('step', null);
                if ($step)
                    $hideFields = json_decode(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserState('com_jfbconnect.registration.easysocial.hidefields', '{}'));

                    $registrationModel = Foundry::model('registration');

                    // Load the steps for this profile and then check if the fields are hidden (pre-popped) and should be skipped
                    $stepsModel = Foundry::model('Steps');
                    $profileSteps = $stepsModel->getSteps($registration->profile_id, 'profiles');
                    foreach ($profileSteps as $profileStep)
                        if ($profileStep->sequence == $step)
                            $sequence = $profileStep->id;

                    $fields = $registrationModel->getCustomFieldsForProfiles($registration->profile_id);
                    $skipStep = true;
                    foreach ($fields as $field)
                        if ($field->step_id == $sequence)
                            if ($field->element != "header" && !in_array($field->id, $hideFields))
                                $skipStep = false;

                    if ($skipStep)
                        JFactory::getApplication()->redirect('index.php?option=com_easysocial&task=saveStep&currentStep=3&controller=registration&' . JSession::getFormToken() . '=1');


    private function prefillRegistrationHideFields()
        $hideFields = json_decode(JFactory::getApplication()->getUserState('com_jfbconnect.registration.easysocial.hidefields', '{}'));
        if (count($hideFields) > 0)
            $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
            foreach ($hideFields as $field)
                $doc->addStyleDeclaration('[data-fieldname="es-fields-' . $field . '"]{ display:none;}');

    public function onNewUserSave()
        $model = FD::model('Users');
        if (!$model->metaExists($this->joomlaId)) {


    private function processField($type, $value, $mode = null)
        $field = new stdClass();
        $field->value = $value;
        $field->raw = $value;
        $field->datakey = '';
        if (empty($value))
            return $field;

        switch ($type)
            case "birthday" :
            case "datetime" :
                if ($mode == 'form')
                    $field->date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00", strtotime($value));
                    $data = new stdClass();
                    $data->date = $field->date;
                    $field->value = json_encode($data);
                    $field->value = strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00", strtotime($value));
                    $field->raw = strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00", strtotime($value));
                $field->datakey = 'date';
            case "gender" :
                $field->value = strtolower($value) == 'male' ? 1 : 2;
                $field->raw = $field->value;
            case "joomla_fullname" :
                if ($value instanceof JRegistry)
                    $name = "";
                    foreach (array('first', 'middle', 'last') as $v)
                        if ($part = $value->get($v))
                            $name .= $part . " ";
                    $name = trim($name);
                    $value->set('name', $name);
                    $field->value = $value->toString();
                    $field->raw = $name;
        return $field;

    private function loadRegistrationObject($registration)
        $profileId = JRequest::getInt('profile_id', $this->settings->get('profiletype_default'));
        $session = JFactory::getSession();
        $esFields = $this->getProfileFields($profileId);

        $registration->set('session_id', $session->getId());
        $registration->set('created', Foundry::get('Date')->toMySQL());
        $registration->set('profile_id', $profileId);

        if (!$registration->store())
            return false;

        $registry = Foundry::get('Registry');

        // Load json library.
        $json = Foundry::json();

        $hideFields = array();

        $fields = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'middle_name', 'email');
        $profileData = $this->profileLibrary->fetchProfile($this->socialId, $fields);

        $registry->set('first_name', $profileData->get('first_name', ""));
        $registry->set('last_name', $profileData->get('last_name', ""));
        $registry->set('middle_name', $profileData->get('middle_name', ""));

        /*if ($this->settings->get('generate_password'))
            $registry->set('es-fields-4-input', '123456');
            $registry->set('es-fields-4-reconfirm', '123456');

        $genUsername = $this->settings->get('generate_username');
        if ($genUsername > 0)
            $registry->set('username', $this->getAutoUsername($profileData));
            if ($genUsername == 1)
                $hideFields[] = $this->getEsFieldName('JOOMLA_USERNAME', $profileId);

        if ($profileData->get('email') != '')
            $registry->set('email', $profileData->get('email'));
            if ($this->settings->get('show_email') == 0)
                $hideFields[] = $this->getEsFieldName('JOOMLA_EMAIL', $profileId);

        if ($this->settings->get('import_cover_photo'))
            $hideFields[] = $this->getEsFieldName('COVER', $profileId);
        if ($this->settings->get('import_avatar'))
            $hideFields[] = $this->getEsFieldName('AVATAR', $profileId);

        // From profile mappings
        $profileData = $this->fetchProfileFromFieldMap();

        foreach ($profileData->fieldMap as $key => $value)
            $data = '';
            foreach ($esFields as $esField)
                if ($esField->id == $key)
                    $type = $esField->type;
                    $data = $this->processField($type, $profileData->get($value), 'form')->value;
            if ($data != '')
                $registry->set('es-fields-' . $key, $data);
                if (!$this->settings->get(('imported_show_fields')))
                    $hideFields[] = $key;
        JFactory::getApplication()->setUserState('com_jfbconnect.registration.easysocial.hidefields', json_encode($hideFields));

        // Convert the values into an array.
        $data = $registry->toArray();

        $args = array(&$data, &$registration);
        $registration->values = $json->encode($data);
        return $registration->store();

    // This is the models/registration -> createUser function from EasySocial, with modifications for JFBConnect options
    protected function createUser($profileData)
        require_once(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/easysocial.php');

        $profile = ES::table('Profile');
        $profileId = $this->settings->get('profiletype_default');

        // Save 'name' field here

        $name = new JRegistry();
        $fields = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'middle_name');
        $profileData = $this->profileLibrary->fetchProfile($this->socialId, $fields);

        $name->set('first', $profileData->get('first_name', ""));
        $name->set('last', $profileData->get('last_name', ""));
        $name->set('middle', $profileData->get('middle_name', ""));

        $this->saveProfileField($this->getEsFieldName('JOOMLA_FULLNAME', $profileId), $name);

        $esUser = Foundry::user($this->joomlaId);
        $permalink = str_replace(array('.','@'), '', $esUser->username);

        //Set permalink because it's ignored in the Foundry object save method if set
        $query = 'UPDATE #__social_users SET `permalink` = ' . $this->db->quote($permalink). ' WHERE user_id=' . $this->db->quote($this->joomlaId);

        // Award points and badges for the new registration
        $points = Foundry::points();
        $points->assign('user.registration', 'com_easysocial', $this->joomlaId);
        $badge = Foundry::badges();
        $badge->log('com_easysocial', 'registration.create', $this->joomlaId, JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_REGISTRATION_BADGE_REGISTERED'));

        // Check if account should be activated or not
        $skipActivation = JFBCFactory::config()->get('joomla_skip_newuser_activation');

        if (!$skipActivation)
            $jUser = JUser::getInstance($this->joomlaId);
            // Need to keep these both in sync... not ideal
            $type = $profile->getRegistrationType();
            if ($type == 'verify')
                $code = Foundry::getHash(JUserHelper::genRandomPassword());
                $esUser->activation = $code;
                $jUser->activation = $code;

            // If the registration type requires approval or requires verification, the user account need to be blocked first.
            if ($type == 'approvals' || $type == 'verify')
                $jUser->block = 1;
                $esUser->block = 1;
            $esUser->set('state', constant('SOCIAL_REGISTER_' . strtoupper($type)));
            // And in my least favorite bit of code, set the table params with the hope that something else hasn't already loaded them
            $origParams = new JRegistry();
            $origParams->set('registration', 'auto');
            $profile->params = $origParams->toString();

        // Load profile type.
        // Perform the avatar import here so it can go in the email.
        if ($this->settings->get('import_avatar'))

            // This is required because resetting the SocialUser instance doesn't clear the usermeta properly. Need to talk to Mark fixing this.
            $avatarTable = Foundry::table('avatar');
            $avatarTable->load(array('uid' => $this->joomlaId));
            $esUser->avatar_id = $avatarTable->id;
            $params = new stdClass();
            $params->small = $avatarTable->small;
            $params->medium = $avatarTable->medium;
            $params->square = $avatarTable->square;
            $params->large = $avatarTable->large;

        $this->settings->set('import_avatar', 0);

        // Finally, send the notification emails
        // Send notification to admin if necessary.
        $registrationModel = Foundry::model('registration');

        $mailerData = array(
            'username' => $esUser->get('username'),
            'firstName' => $name->get('first'),
            'middleName' => $name->get('middle'),
            'lastName' => $name->get('last'),
            'name' => $esUser->getName(),
            'id' => $esUser->id,
            'avatar' => $esUser->getAvatar(SOCIAL_AVATAR_LARGE),
            'profileLink' => $esUser->getPermalink(),
            'email' => $esUser->email,
            'activation' => FRoute::registration(array('external' => true, 'task' => 'activate', 'controller' => 'registration', 'token' => $esUser->activation)),
            'token' => $esUser->activation,
            'profileType' => $profile->get('title')

        // If everything goes through fine, we need to send notification emails out now.
        $esUser->password_clear = $this->registrationUser->password_clear;

        if ($profile->getParams()->get('email.users', true))
            $registrationModel->notify($mailerData, $esUser, $profile, true);

        if ($profile->getParams()->get('email.moderators', true))
            $mailerData['username'] = $mailerData['username'] . ' (via ' . ucwords($this->network) . ')';
            $registrationModel->notifyAdmins($mailerData, $esUser, $profile, true);

        return true;

    protected function getEsFieldName($fieldName, $profileId)
        $fieldsModel = Foundry::model('Fields');
        $pFields = $fieldsModel->getCustomFields(array('profile_id' => $profileId));

        foreach ($pFields as $field)
            if ($field->unique_key == $fieldName)
                $inputName = $field->id;
        return $inputName;

    protected function saveProfileField($fieldId, $value)
        $fieldTable = Foundry::table('field');
        $appsTable = Foundry::table('app');

        $dataTable = Foundry::table('fielddata');
        $args = array('field_id' => $fieldId, 'uid' => $this->joomlaId);
        if ($appsTable->element == "birthday" || $appsTable->element == "datetime")
            $args['datakey'] = 'date';

        // Grab the field row for the user, or create it if it doesn't exist.
        if (!$dataTable->load($args))
            $dataTable->field_id = $fieldId;
            $dataTable->uid = $this->joomlaId;
            $dataTable->type = SOCIAL_TYPE_USER;

        $data = $this->processField($appsTable->element, $value);
        $dataTable->data = $data->value;
        $dataTable->raw = $data->raw;
        $dataTable->datakey = $data->datakey;

        if ($data->datakey == "date")
            $dataTable = Foundry::table('fielddata');
            $args = array('field_id' => $fieldId, 'uid' => $this->joomlaId, 'datakey' => 'timezone');

            // Check if the timezone field exists. If not, create it.
            if (!$dataTable->load($args))
                $dataTable->field_id = $fieldId;
                $dataTable->uid = $this->joomlaId;
                $dataTable->type = SOCIAL_TYPE_USER;
                $dataTable->data = "UTC";
                $dataTable->raw = "UTC";
                $dataTable->datakey = "timezone";

    protected function setCoverPhoto($cover)
        require_once(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php');

        $user = Foundry::user($this->joomlaId);
        $pid = $user->profile_id;
        $p = Foundry::table('Profile');

        $inputName = 'es-field-' . $this->getEsFieldName('AVATAR', $pid);

        $fileInfo = array();
        $fileInfo['name'] = "Social network cover";
        $fileInfo['tmp_name'] = $cover->get('path');
        $fileInfo['type'] = $cover->get('type');
        $fileInfo['error'] = 0;
        $fileInfo['size'] = 10000; // Not doing size checking since the provider has already resized down

        $data = $this->createCover($fileInfo, $inputName);
        if (!$data)
            return false;

        $coverObj = Foundry::makeObject($data);

        // Create the default album for this cover.
        $model = Foundry::model('Albums');
        $album = $model->getDefaultAlbum($user->id, SOCIAL_TYPE_USER, SOCIAL_ALBUM_PROFILE_COVERS);
        $album->user_id = $this->joomlaId;

        // Check that cover being imported isn't the same as the one being used.
        $currentCover = Foundry::table('Photo');
        // Would like to check for the filesize of the current cover, but the meta returned from here is missing an folder in the path for some reason
        // Need to investigate later what's going on.
        /*$photoMeta = Foundry::table('PhotoMeta');
        $photoMeta->load(array('photo_id' => $album->cover_id, 'property' => 'original'));
        $currentCoverSize = filesize($photoMeta->value);
        $newCoverSize = filesize($coverObj->original->path);
        if ($currentCover->caption == "Imported from " . ucwords($this->network))

        // Once the album is created, create the photo object.
        $photo = SocialFieldsUserCoverHelper::createPhotoObject($user->id, SOCIAL_TYPE_USER, $album->id, $coverObj->stock->title, false);
        $photo->caption = "Imported from " . ucwords($this->network);
        $photo->assigned_date = Foundry::get('Date')->toMySQL();

        // Set the new album with the photo as the cover.
        $album->cover_id = $photo->id;

        // Rename temporary folder to the destination.

        // Get destination folder path.
        $config = Foundry::config();
        $storage = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . Foundry::cleanPath($config->get(''));

        // Test if the storage folder exists

        // Set the storage path to the album
        $storage = $storage . '/' . $album->id;

        // If album folder doesn't exist, create it.

        foreach ($coverObj as $key => $value)
            SocialFieldsUserCoverHelper::createPhotoMeta($photo, $key, $storage . '/' . $value->file);

        // Build the temporary path.
        $tmp = SocialFieldsUserCoverHelper::getPath($inputName);

        $state = JFolder::move($tmp, $storage . '/' . $photo->id);

        if (!$state)
            return false;

        // Set the cover now.
        $cover = Foundry::table('Cover');
        $state = $cover->load(array('uid' => $user->id, 'type' => SOCIAL_TYPE_USER));

        // User does not have a cover.
        if (!$state)
            $cover->uid = $user->id;
            $cover->type = SOCIAL_TYPE_USER;

        // Set the cover to pull from photo

        // Save the cover.
        return $cover->store();

    // This is copied directly from /media/com_easysocial/apps/fields/user/cover/ajax.php
    // classname is the same as cover/cover.php though, so can't load that directly
    private function createCover($file, $inputName)

        // Load our own image library
        $image = Foundry::image();

        // Generates a unique name for this image.
        $name = $file['name'] . $inputName . Foundry::date()->toMySQL();
        $name = md5($name);

        // Load up the file.
        $image->load($file['tmp_name'], $name);

        // Ensure that the image is valid.
        if (!$image->isValid())
            return false;

        // Get the storage path
        $storage = SocialFieldsUserCoverHelper::getStoragePath($inputName);

        // Create a new avatar object.
        $photos = Foundry::get('Photos', $image);

        // Create avatars
        $sizes = $photos->create($storage);

        // We want to format the output to get the full absolute url.
        $base = basename($storage);

        $result = array();

        foreach ($sizes as $size => $value)
            $row = new stdClass();

            $row->title = $file['name'];
            $row->file = $value;
            $row->path = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/com_easysocial/tmp/' . $base . '/' . $value;
            $row->uri = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/media/com_easysocial/tmp/' . $base . '/' . $value;

            $result[$size] = $row;

        return $result;

    protected function setAvatar($socialAvatar)
        require_once(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php');

        $model = Foundry::model('Albums');
        $album = $model->getDefaultAlbum($this->joomlaId, SOCIAL_TYPE_USER, SOCIAL_ALBUM_PROFILE_PHOTOS);
        $album->user_id = $this->joomlaId;

        $socialAvatarFile = $this->getAvatarPath() . '/' . $socialAvatar;

        $user = Foundry::user($this->joomlaId);
        $currentPhoto = $user->getAvatarPhoto();
        // Lots more hacky than I'd like..
        if ($currentPhoto && $currentPhoto->title == "Profile Picture from " . ucwords($this->network))
            return true;

        $pid = $user->profile_id;
        $p = Foundry::table('Profile');

        $inputName = 'es-field-' . $this->getEsFieldName("AVATAR", $p->id);

        $tmpPath = SocialFieldsUserAvatarHelper::getStoragePath($inputName);
        $tmpName = md5($socialAvatar . $inputName . Foundry::date()->toMySQL());

        $path = $tmpPath . '/' . $tmpName;
        JFile::copy($socialAvatarFile, $path);

        $value = new stdClass();
        $value->path = $path;
        $value->data = "";
        $value->name = "Profile Picture from " . ucwords($this->network);
        $value->type = "upload";

        $init = array();
        $init['group'] = SOCIAL_TYPE_USER;
        $avatarField = new SocialFieldsUserAvatar($init);
        return $avatarField->createAvatar($value, $this->joomlaId);

//***************** Points *****************************//

    protected function awardPoints($userId, $name, $data)
        require_once( JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php' );
        Foundry::points()->assign( $name, 'com_jfbconnect' , $userId );

//***************** Import status and rendering ******************************//
    protected function setStatus($socialStatus)
        $streamModel = Foundry::model('stream');
        $args = array();
        $args['userid'][0] = $this->joomlaId;
        $args['context'] = SOCIAL_TYPE_STORY;
        $args['type'] = SOCIAL_TYPE_USER;

        $stream = $streamModel->getStreamData($args);
        // Don't post a duplicate story.
        foreach ($stream as $story)
            if ($story->content == $socialStatus)
                return true;

        $story = Foundry::story(SOCIAL_TYPE_USER);
        if (Foundry::getLocalVersion() >= 1.2)
            $params = array();
            $params['content'] = $socialStatus;
            $mood = Foundry::table('Mood');
            $params['mood'] = $mood; // Empty, but necessary in 1.2.0-1.2.3 and lower
            $params['contextType'] = SOCIAL_TYPE_STORY;
            $params['actorId'] = $this->joomlaId;

        else // ES 1.1 and lower way
            // TODO: Add a language string or something for 'via Facebook', etc
            $story->create($socialStatus, 0, SOCIAL_TYPE_STORY, $this->joomlaId, '', null, array());

        // @badge: story.create
        // Add badge for the author when a report is created.
        // Skipping badges and points for now.
        $badge = Foundry::badges();
        $badge->log('com_easysocial', 'story.create', $my->id, JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_STORY_BADGE_CREATED_STORY'));

        // @points: story.create
        // Add points for the author when a report is created.
        $points = Foundry::points();
        $points->assign('story.create', 'com_easysocial', $my->id);

    public function jfbcImportConnections()
        // Get original EasySocial connections
        $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__social_oauth WHERE `client`="facebook" AND `type`="user"';
        $esConnections = $this->db->loadObjectList();
        $userMapModel = JFBCFactory::usermap();

        foreach ($esConnections as $es)
            $userMapModel->map($es->uid, $es->oauth_id, 'facebook', $es->token);

Last edit: 4 years 1 week ago by skyiron.
The topic has been locked.
Support Specialist
4 years 1 week ago #66278 by alzander
Just wanted to let you know we received this message and are investigating. We have to setup a site with EasySocial and JFBConnect in a similar manner to what you describe above and then test to make sure we can recreate it. If we can do that, we should be able to determine the issue quickly and figure out a solution. If not, we may have more questions about the issue.

We'll keep you posted.

The topic has been locked.
Active Subscriptions:

4 years 1 week ago #66280 by skyiron
Thanks Alex
I just realised that I forgot to add the version information. Will do that soon.

Also I have a site that you may be able to use if that helps, the only issue is that I'd need to know roughly what times you would be accessing it as I don't leave the test version publically accessible.
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Active Subscriptions:

4 years 1 week ago - 4 years 1 week ago #66282 by skyiron
Here are the software versions on the test site that I was using

Joomla 3.9.16
EasySocial 3.2.11
JFBConnect 8.4.0
PayPlans 4.1.4
Last edit: 4 years 1 week ago by skyiron.
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Active Subscriptions:

3 years 11 months ago #66374 by skyiron
Hi. Has any progress been made on this?
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Active Subscriptions:

3 years 11 months ago #66388 by skyiron
I've been a paying supporter of JFBConnect for 5 years. Unfortunately I've decided to cancel my renewal. I have no use for JFBConnect without proper EasySocial integration. I doubt this is an isolated case, but who knows? If you ever fix these problems please update this post, so that I can gladly renew.
Best of luck.
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Support Specialist
3 years 11 months ago #66389 by alzander
I totally understand your frustration and apologize for the delay. We have been investigating your issue and I failed to report back in any sort of timely manner. We'll gladly extend your subscription and make sure we get through the issues you reported above more quickly going forward. We already have quite a bit of an update below, which I hope helps get us started and we'll definitely be more responsive going forward.

Users in admin-moderation instead of user-activation
With the above patch applied, when the profile type "Single Sign On Registration Type" is set to "Require user activation", it doesn't show the activation code in the email.
These 2 issues are directly related and the EasySocial plugin update partially fixes one issue while introducing another. Their code is forcing the registration emails to use the oauth email template. That is correct and something we'll change in the next release of JFBConnect.

The problem, however, is that our plugin was looking at the "Registration Type" setting instead of the "Single Sign On Registration Type" field. So, when you originally posted:
* The Registration Type setting was being used and sending out the standard new user registration email. If you have Registration Type set to 'Require Admin Approval' but the Single Sign On Registration Type' set to "User Activation", that would describe the behavior you were seeing. You would have thought the Single Sign On setting was being used, but it wasn't and the user would have been in admin activation mode per the "Registration Type" setting.

After the code change above, there was still a mismatch:
* The proper Oauth (Single Sign On) registration email was being sent
* But, JFBConnect was still setting the user up for activation based on the Registration Type Setting.

We are planning a release of JFBConnect over the next few days that will fix these issues to make sure the email and settings are consistent. Until then, here are the changes you can make to the EasySocial profile plugin which should make the above work properly and as expected:
Edit the /plugins/jfbconnect/easysocial/easysocial.php file
At line 345, you'll see:
$type = $profile->getRegistrationType();
Update that to:
$type = $profile->getRegistrationType(false, true);
That will ensure the proper setting for Single Sign Registration Type is used

Around line 412 and 416, update these 2 lines. This is the change that EasySocial likely already implemented for you:
$registrationModel->notify($mailerData, $esUser, $profile);
$registrationModel->notifyAdmins($mailerData, $esUser, $profile);
to the following (adding 'true' to the end):
$registrationModel->notify($mailerData, $esUser, $profile, true);
$registrationModel->notifyAdmins($mailerData, $esUser, $profile, true);

Issue 3
Single Sign On Registration Type- Require User Activation only seems to trigger when the Profile Type matches the default Profile Type in the JFBConnect configuration.
Could you confirm this to be the case?

JFBConnect only lets you set one profile type when users register with a social network while automatic registration is enabled. With automatic registration, there are no forms to fill out or ways for the user to select their profile type.
If you're not using automatic registration, then I believe the changes above will likely fix this issue that you're experiencing as well.. but please test and let us know if this is still an issue.

Again, we're sorry for the delays. The last month has been pretty hectic both personally and professionally, which has caused longer than normal support times for issues that required investigation. We're generally back on track now and will do anything we can to help get you going.

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Active Subscriptions:

3 years 11 months ago #66390 by skyiron
Thanks for getting back to me Alzander. I can see that you have been busy.

Normally I would be a bit more patient, but I'm nearing launch and some things that I thought were working, aren't.

No need to extend my subscription, but I will need help renewing it. There doesn't appear to be a button to change autorenew from off back to on again.
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Support Specialist
3 years 11 months ago #66391 by alzander
We've gone ahead and extended your subscription by 3 months. It's the least we can do for your patience in the matter. Auto-renewal has also been re-enabled.

A new release with the changes above (and other updates throughout JFBConnect) should be out over the next few days. We'll be testing, but if you find any issues with the code changes above, don't hesitate to let us know so we can investigate and squash them ASAP.

Thank you, and best of luck with your launch!
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