Topic-icon Auto posting to FB images not showing

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5 years 1 week ago - 5 years 1 week ago #65333 by dave247
I have attempted many different things to try to get images to show up. I did at one point get them to show an image up but not the one for the page.

I have read to install programmes to do the meta tabs, but even trying to do this I'm unable to see images. Maybe Im doing it incorrectly I don't know this is all new to me once it just worked now its months of figuring how to get it to work. I also installed a programme called hotoMeta but this give me errors so I have had to disable it.

I.m using joomla 3x and with a plugin called AddToAny Share Buttons, works well apart from the no images, I have a feeling somthing is blocking it from another plugin but cannot find what is causing it. The error Im getting on facebook debugger is:

1. Inferred Property The 'og:image' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
2. The following required properties are missing: og:url, og:type, og:title, og:image, og:description, fb:app_id
Last edit: 5 years 1 week ago by dave247.
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Support Specialist
5 years 1 week ago #65335 by alzander
I'm unsure from your post if you're using JFBConnect or not. Our extension for Joomla adds social network authentication and much easier open graph tag (and Twitter Card) management, including automatic tags being added to most pages. You can override those tags on a page-by-page basis as necessary as well, but the automatic tag application works for most users in most cases.

If you are using JFBConnect and having issues, we can gladly help provide assistance to any issues if JFBConnect isn't doing it for you automatically properly.

Please let us know any other details about our products we can help with and we'll gladly help however we can.

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