Topic-icon Share buttons dont grab image and says incorrect url

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Hello all,

I have installed jfbconnect on my site, and made in developers-fb and google plus app etc. the og -code showed up on my site and the share buttons under the joomla articles perfectly showed the leading image, an some intro text. But today on the fb share button it only shows the the main url and nothing more. on the g+ share button I get the error :
that link link isn't valid check it and try again...

Ive tried everything and searched everywhere what could be wrong. Can someone help me out?
Website =
Example links with the share buttons are :
tnx Marcel
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Hello? Anybody?
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Support Specialist
5 years 8 months ago #64486 by mel
The Open Graph tag on both of those pages is incorrect and pointing to the homepage instead of the current page:
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>

So even though there's an image tag and description tag on the page with the share button, when FB scrapes the page, it looks at what the og:url is pointing at to grab an image and description to display. Have you set any defaults in the backend Social Meta > Configuration area for URL? If so, please remove the og:url setting. JFBConnect determines the value based on the current page.

Remember, once you make any changes to the OG tags, you'll need to manually re-scrape here on FB to get the new values.

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tnx for your answer melissa, i see what you mean.
I removed url= and used rescrape on fb.
and now in the html of the provided links I see what is going wrong: The og:url that is generated automaicly is with https:
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>

And I dont have https for now. So the share buttons also use https and there is the problem. Can I change somwhere these settings in jfbconnect?

tnx marcel
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Support Specialist
In the JFBConnect -> Configuration area, there is an option for "Force Scheme". It sounds like that's set to "https". Change that to "None" and it will use whatever the current URL scheme is instead of forcing it to one or the other.

I hope that helps,
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Yes tnx Alex that did the trick. how do I close this topic as solved?
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Support Specialist
5 years 8 months ago #64491 by mel
Glad we could help. Let us know if you run into any further issues.

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