Topic-icon Problems with encoding when posting to facebook cahnnel

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Dear JFBC,
I puslished my first post in the channel and it works as charm! almost... I noticed that the posted message on the facebook had wrong encoding. Insted of polish letters I got e.g "ó". My website is encoded in UTF-8 and native language polish. Where should I change the encoding to get posted posts in the correct encoding?

Thank you,
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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. I'm glad to hear the Facebook posts work after your initial setup issues.

I'm unsure why the text came out wrong. JFBConnect should be respecting the encoding of the page or your post. We have logic in our Open Graph tag generation to properly respect the encoding of the page, which is used when your content is shared/liked. That text should be the same as what's used when an auto-post happens. Since it's not, we'll need to understand what's actually going on.

Can you let us know:
* The URL of a page that posts incorrect? We'll run it through the Facebook URL Debug Tool to check if there's issues there. You can try it as well.
* Just to confirm, the issue is with the auto-generated text for the post, correct? If you are using the "Create Post" button and it's your custom comment that's coming in with the wrong encoding, let us know that.

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5 years 9 months ago #64472 by Kalixo
Dear Alex,
when I log in to the frontend and see the "Social Meta" encoding is correct and I see polish letters. Whne I debug it with the encoding is not OK.

On the other hand. with this website in I get info: "There was an error processing this URL:".
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Support Specialist
Can you post (or private message) us a specific URL you're testing with so we can investigate further?

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5 years 9 months ago #64484 by Kalixo
Dear Alex,
example page:


Thank you,
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5 years 7 months ago #64651 by Kalixo
Dear Alex,
I realised that the page that I was refereing to in this post is working correct right now.
On the other hand, I realised that on my second webpage the problem appeared:
https:// agdwpromocji .pl/avans-promocja-na-lodowki-201809 pg/agdwpromocji /posts/?ref=page_internal
any ideas?

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5 years 7 months ago #64703 by Kalixo
Could you please take a closer look to my problem? Thank you!
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Support Specialist
I am so sorry for the delayed responses. In August, I remember testing the page you listed and I couldn't find an issue. I missed your post from the end of September somehow, but in testing it now, I'm not seeing an unencoded characters showing up in posts.

I've tried in both the Facebook Debugger ( and by pasting the URL you posted above into a status update on Facebook itself. The preview in both shows, what looks to me, like well encoded and properly looking characters.

Can you let us know (or post an image of) what you're seeing? If you can, try to create a new post as well. If it works with new posts, but not older ones, that could be an indication that either Facebook fixed something on their end or that there's some sort of caching issue with Facebook where a post initially has unencoded characters but eventually resolves itself.

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5 years 6 months ago #64721 by Kalixo
Dear Alex,
this is quite strange, because I am using the same configuration for 3 websties/jfbc-plugins/facebook-pages.
Problem appears only for one page (https:// agdwpromocji pl)
as you can see here: agdwpromocji /posts/1353349151468469
there's a problem with word "której" which should be "której".
facebook debugger presents the data correctly ?
so I really don't get why is it happeining.
Should I ask the support of the facebook app?
Thank you,
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Support Specialist
The link to the post doesn't work for me. I'm unsure if that's a privacy issue or not. If the debugger looks correct though, it shows that JFBConnect is setting the information properly though.

You may need to post this issue to the Facebook Bug Report area . Simply state that the debugger is showing the proper UTF-8 characters, but the post is showing the encoded values.

Hopefully, they can come back with an explanation. If there is anything that we need to do within JFBConnect, we gladly will help however we can!

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