Topic-icon Imported Avatar from FB will not be shown in Easy Social

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my question is how to get the Avatar used by Easy Social- its already imported and i can see it in JFBC-Component -Section, but it will not be used by Easy Social.
Other datas like real name, gender or birthday are shown in Easy Social.

Just the Avatar will not be shown in Easy Social.

Please give advise.


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Support Specialist
6 years 5 months ago #63665 by mel

its already imported and i can see it in JFBC-Component -Section

From what you're describing, it sounds like you're seeing the profile avatar thumbnail in the JFBConnect > User Map area. This doesn't mean that the image has been imported into the EasySocial profile. Since the other profile data is imported, it also sounds like the 'Social Profiles - EasySocial' plugin is already enabled. Can you go into the JFBConnect > Profiles > EasySocial tab and make sure the 'Import Avatar' settings is enabled, along with the 'Always Import Profile Data' setting and the 'Import Cover Photo' setting for the cover.

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6 years 5 months ago #63669 by Tetzo
Hello Melissa,

thanks for your fast reply.

From what you're describing, it sounds like you're seeing the profile avatar thumbnail in the JFBConnect > User Map area


Since the other profile data is imported, it also sounds like the 'Social Profiles - EasySocial' plugin is already enabled


Can you go into the JFBConnect > Profiles > EasySocial tab and make sure the 'Import Avatar' settings is enabled, along with the 'Always Import Profile Data' setting and the 'Import Cover Photo' setting for the cover.

already done - but no success

Ive got some screenshots attached.

Regards - Kai
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6 years 5 months ago #63673 by Tetzo

I found the solution.

Life could be so easy using the own brain.

There was a conflict between the FB-Section of Easy-Social and JFBC.
There is only one setting to solve it:

In Easy Social in Settings -> Social -> Facebook - the switch Auto-Login has absolutely to be turned off.

And then - hello avatar...

Thanks for your support.

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Support Specialist
6 years 5 months ago #63675 by mel
Ahh, that makes sense. Since your other profile fields were importing correctly, I figured the setting was already disabled. Yes, in general, you need to disable FB functionality in other extensions to work nicely with JFBConnect.

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