Topic-icon Facebook Javascript Library Conflict

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6 years 3 months ago - 6 years 3 months ago #63378 by webdevtim
Auto-tune reported "Test: Facebook Javascript library inclusion - Fail: Another Facebook extension is installed, including the Facebook Javascript library, and may conflict."

I have the following other Social Media Plugins/Packages installed other than Source Coast:

AcyMailing : share on social networks - Acyba
Easy Profile - Social Network - JSN Project
Easy Profile - Social Network package - JSN Project
Easy Profile - SocialConnect plugin - JSN Project
Socialnetwork View - JSN Project

Everything is disabled except for the JFBConnect plugins.

Do I need to also un-install some of these plugins to eliminate the conflict?

Do you have experience with these and can suggest which one I can safely enable and which ones I should un-install?

I don't need the EasySocial and JomSocial plugins so I will go ahead and un-install those and see if Autotune is happy after I do that. No made no difference

In the man time, any kind of heads up you can give me will be appreciated.
Last edit: 6 years 3 months ago by webdevtim.
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Support Specialist
6 years 3 months ago #63381 by alzander
I can't tell you specifically which extension is adding it, but the code that's causing that warning is:
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
	  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
	  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
	  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
	  js.src = '';
	  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
	}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
That's being placed directly under the JFBConnect inclusion of a similar bit of Javascript. I don't know which of the above plugins may be adding that, but know what you're looking for should make it easier to disable and check quicker to see if the code goes away. Once you find the extension, see if there's a way to disable inclusion of the Facebook Javascript library.

I hope that helps get you going,
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6 years 3 months ago #63383 by webdevtim
Thanks for the lightening fast reply Alex.

I will hunt it down from there. It must be included in one of the plugin -> view folders. Then I can either uninstall that plugin or look for a setting in the options for that component, or disable the php that generates that script.

Right now everything is working correctly and there are no problem sharing, liking, tweeting or google plusing and no problems logging in using social media accounts, but I am sure it will create a gotcha somewhere down the line.

This is a screen capture of a Facebook Share post and as you can see, there are no issues.

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Support Specialist
6 years 3 months ago #63386 by alzander
Good luck in your hunt :) Glad to hear everything else is going well. Those are good looking posts. Nice to know JFBConnect is doing it's job!

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6 years 3 months ago #63389 by webdevtim
Yeh, those posts do look good. JFBConnect is what makes these kinds of posts possible, I don't think the majority of Joomla users realize this.

This is a terrific component Alex. I need to see if I can add new review on the JED again so others can know the advantages that JFBConnect can provide to their site.

Without JFBConnect there would just be generic images, titles and descriptions sent with each post, With JFBConnect, each article, or each piece of content for that matter, can have targeted titles, descriptions and images to go with each click of the "Share" button.

And don't let me forget, you also included a really cool feature that allows the user to select some text and then a little tab pops up that says "Share Quote." Click that and the user can now share a really great looking post along with that selected text, all without having to type or copy and paste anything.

Great component Alex.
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Support Specialist
6 years 3 months ago #63399 by alzander
Wow, you use the JFBCQuote widget? I wasn't sure anyone did. That's awesome to hear. Very good to hear about things that I didn't think got too much use actually being taken advantage of. You made my night :)

All the best,
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6 years 3 months ago #63402 by webdevtim
Yeh, Using the Share Quote widget, the post comes out looking like the following:

Really nice work, again, Alex.
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