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7 years 1 month ago #61082 by webdevtim
Originally I was going to have all the redirects, even domain redirects handled by ReDj. The reason for that is that I was created short names for articles and I was adding those 301's to the .htaccess file and it was getting unwieldy so I decided that having a software interface would make it easier to keep track of these.

So yes handle those domain level redirects in .htaccess then handle the rest with ReDj.

ReDj is regex driven however and what I wanted to do was create 200 redirects instead of 301's.
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Support Specialist
7 years 1 month ago #61087 by alzander
That makes sense. Whatever is easier to manage when you have so many redirects to setup :)

Glad you got things going. Should you need anything else, just let us know!

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