Topic-icon JFBConnect Social media buttons blocked by AdBlock

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The social media log in button buttons are being blocked by the Firefox ad-on AdBlock. This would make the button invisible to users. It is very probable that many internet users use the AdBlock on Firefox.

Would that be fixed in new version of the component?
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Support Specialist
7 years 8 months ago #59416 by mel
We haven't heard of this issue before. Usually, we've only see complaints of social sharing buttons such as Facebook Like, etc being blocked by add-ons, but not our login buttons. Those buttons are loaded externally from the social networks. However the login buttons would be loaded from your site, so I don't understand why these images would be blocked. Specifically can you see if any other images from your /media folder can be loaded properly?

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7 years 8 months ago #59424 by tmt2016
The problem was on our end. We had a custom CSS code written into the log-in so we were able to fix it
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Support Specialist
7 years 8 months ago #59426 by mel
Great! Glad you were able to resolve the issue. Let us know if you run into any more problems.

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