Topic-icon Comments while logged on through Community Builder?

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I am using JFBC on my site only for comments but without login integration with any social media.
So people can sign up and sign in via Community Builder only.

Now my question is:
If someone is logged on via CB, it seems they cannot comment using your comments box.
Is there a way to allow people logged on via CB to comment using your comment box even though there is no integration for sign in or sign on with JFBC?

Best Regards,

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Support Specialist
9 years 2 months ago #53104 by alzander
The comment box we provide is from Facebook. Any user that is logged in to can leave a comment. They don't need to be logged into your site, in any way, to be able to use the comment box. The only requirement is that they have a Facebook account and are currently logged into it. That means it should work for guests/visitors to your site as well as users that are logged in using Joomla/CB.

I hope that helps explain,
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9 years 2 months ago #53123 by aymabo
Thanks Alex,

That is clear .. but I noticed the the button at the bottom right hand side (comment using) supports Yahoo in addition to FB and I though well maybe you can comment using your own account on the site rather than Yahoo or FB. But apparently it is not meant to do this.


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Support Specialist
9 years 2 months ago #53131 by alzander
No, you can only comment with a Facebook account. Facebook also just announced, back in April, that the ability to comment with other providers (Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail) will be removed permanently in late June. At that point, only Facebook will be allowed.

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