Topic-icon Log out redirect issues all Social Media

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Thought I would share a log out from social media issue that points to an extension that's not even a Joomla extension. Sometimes it can be changed in the menu manager but comes back as index.php?Itemid=1.

I found that a recent update installed Jomsocial redirect plugin. When I updated Jom Social, it seems I added a plugin called jom social redirect that was enabled. It was overriding all the login module's redirect. In addition, it was pointing to a page that didn't exist. This is what caused the original 404 error and my subsequent problems afterwards. I disabled the plugin, and all is normal again...WHEW.

Jomsocial also installs another plugin that disables profile view, when selecting any profile links options in Joomla it will link back to a SQL error and that also has to be disabled in plugins, community events plugin.

If you are considering using Jom Social be prepared to be working on many many bugs for awhile. it doesn't play well with others
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