Topic-icon Social Stream link to post?

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9 years 9 months ago #48037 by spmetas

I need that every post could have a Link on Title (not IMAGE title!) to the Facebook Post.
I have checked $this variable in media\sourcecoast\themes\scsocialstream\default\facebook.php
and it does not contain this URL, is there any way to get/set it?
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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #48043 by alzander
You'll have to do some testing, but I think you can do what you're looking for. Basically, each Feed post gets a URL like:

So, we just need to get the page name and ID of the specific post and build the URL accordingly. To get the right info, edit the /components/com_jfbconnect/libraries/provider/facebook/channel/page.php file. Around line 42, you'll see:
$post = new JFBConnectPost();
Add the following line after that:
$post->id = $data['id'];
Then, in the facebook.php template file you edited above, you can add a link to the post like:
<a href="<?php echo $this->id; ?>">Link to post</a>
Obviously, change SourceCoast to your Page Name.

There is a way to dynamically get the Page Name so it's not hard-coded as well, but for now, test that. The above has *not* been tested by us, but we definitely like the idea and will probably implement it in an upcoming release. Your feedback beforehand would be great!

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