Topic-icon How can I disable Social Meta | Preview | Create Post button?

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When logged in as admin on every page bottom there's the button for social meta. How can I disable it?

Thanks a lot

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Support Specialist
The social toolbar only shows to super admins, by default. You can open that up to other groups, like your social branding managers, if you want the ability for them to push content to your social networks for you. The toolbar should not be showing to standard 'registered' users, just so you know.

If you'd like to disable it completely, there's a setting called "Disable Social Toolbar" in the JFBConnect -> Configuration area. Just enable that, and the bar will go away!

I hope that helps,
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Hello Alex,

Thank you for the information. I just want to disable it while I'm working on the page and I don't need it ;)

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Support Specialist
No problem for the info. Just wanted to clarify that all users aren't seeing that, because that's a common point of confusion. Either way, we have the setting to disable so that you can. It's your site :)

Best wishes,
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