Topic-icon How do I get rid of the "create post" buttons?

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How do I make the "create post" buttons go away that appear at the bottom of every page? I can't find this in settings.
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Support Specialist
9 years 11 months ago #44131 by alzander
The social toolbar only shows to Super Administrators by default. If you go to the JFBConnect admin area and click the "Options" button in the top right, you can change the user groups that are allowed to see it if you want more/less user-types to have access to it.

Unfortunately, Joomla doesn't allow you to deny a Super Admin access to any features, so you can't disable it for super admins. There will be an option in JFBConnect v6.1, due out in June, to disable the toolbar completely. If you want the minor code change to implement that will remove that toolbar now, just let us know and I can gladly provide it for you.

I hope that helps explain, but if you have any questions, just let me know.

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