Topic-icon Issue With Posting To Facebook From JomSocial

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10 years 1 week ago #43364 by isrndu
Hello, I believe I have done the JFBC configuration to the best of my ability. My challenge now is that not all the posts made on Jomsocial are posted to Facebook. How can I set this such that when users post on their JomSocial timelines, it will always get posted to their facebook timelines too?
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10 years 1 week ago #43377 by alzander
Currently, JFBConnect will only push status updates that meet the following requirements:
* The user has authenticated with Facebook
* They granted the "publish_actions" permission so that your site can post to their timeline for them
* The JomSocial post is a text post
* The privacy for the post is public and does not have any privacy restrictions

Let me know if that helps narrow things down. If you think posts that meet the above should be posted, but aren't, just let us know and we'll gladly investigate further.

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10 years 1 week ago #43382 by isrndu
I believe that I have given full permissions to my app to publish all actions; because it pushed some posts previously and just stopped sending the rest to Facebook and I've not even made any changes to the permissions since then. I'd love if you investigated this matter for me.
My website is
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10 years 6 days ago #43405 by alzander
The permissions I was talking about were when you create the post in JomSocial. There's a way to set the update to "Public" vs "Private", and it needs to be Public for JFBConnect to try and post it.

As for testing, I just tried to register on your site using Facebook. I was properly brought to the JFBConnect registration page to fill out additional profile information. After I clicked "Register" on that page, I saw a blank white page.. which means there was a PHP error. Are you seeing that issue if you try to register a new user? If so, please set Error Reporting to 'Maximum' in the Global Configuration area and let us know any error messages that show on that blank page, which will help narrow down the issue.

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10 years 2 days ago #43548 by isrndu
Hello Alex, I've tried registering a new account on my site and anytime I try using JFB to register, I get this error as attached in the screenshot. You may also notice that I set my error reporting to Maximum.
As it stands now, registering with JFBC doesn't work on my site except when the JomSocial registration component is used. Please how can I get this resolved?
File Attachment:
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10 years 1 day ago #43559 by alzander
Most of those PHP warnings aren't from JFBConnect (at least not directly). Most warnings reference com_jeemasms, which I'm not sure what that is. None of those messages are fatal errors though, and shouldn't be preventing JFBConnect from importing user information.

The 'blue box' messages at the top seem to be from the User - Profile plugin, which is a basic profile add-on that comes with Joomla. If you're using JomSocial, you likely don't need that plugin enabled. I'd recommend disabling that and the Social Profiles - Joomla plugin, which is JFBConnect's integration for that User - Profile plugin.

So, with all that said, my guess (though I can't tell for sure) is that if you scrolled down on that page, you'd see the form-based registration flow of JFBConnect. If you see that, it would likely work to let you register the user. That form is just pushed way down because of the other messages shown above it.

If you're not interested in the form-based registration and you want to enable automatic registration, you can do that with the "Enable Automatic Registration" setting in the JFBConnect -> Configuration area.

I hope that helps explain some things and gets you some forward progress. If you have any questions or issues though, just let us know!

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9 years 11 months ago #43732 by isrndu
I have just tried posting for the second time to my facebook wall from my JS profile but my post didn't show on Facebook. I only saw the first post I made today and all the while, my permissions was set to 'Public'. Now I'm asking, is there a daily limit Facebook has placed on posts made from external applications/API? How can we resolve this so that all posts made from JS on my site get displayed on the respective users' Facebook profiles (all other circumstances being equal)?
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9 years 11 months ago #43749 by alzander
Sorry for the issues you were running into. We think we just narrowed down the posting back to Facebook issue. You can read the issue, and the code change required in this forum post .

Please try the suggestion there and let us know how that goes. This update will be in the next release of JFBConnect, but we'd love to have your feedback on if it fixes your problem as well.

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9 years 11 months ago #43771 by isrndu
Hello Alzander, thanks for your effort. I've tried making the changes to the code you requested but it looks like it has stopped posting to facebook completely. Does my JS version have anything to do with this?
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9 years 11 months ago #43777 by alzander
Your JomSocial version shouldn't have anything to do with it. The code above simply updates our posting logic to work for JomSocial 3.2. It's possible that change was necessary for JomSocial 3.1 as well, but we're still investigating that.

The code change, however, leaves older compatibility going back to JomSocial 2.8 intact. So, if you're using 2.8-3.2, you should be good to go.

but it looks like it has stopped posting to facebook completely.

Can you explain this? What posting was working before that isn't working anymore? My understanding from the above was that the status updates created in JomSocial were never being posted to Facebook. Were some getting through? Is there some other posts your talking about that are now not working after the change?

Let me know any more information you can about what is, and isn't, working now, and how that compares to before the change in the other thread.

Also, it never hurts to know... what version of JomSocial and Joomla are you using?

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